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Is My Husband an Alcoholic?

There is help for your husband!

There is help for your husband!

A common question that many wives have is whether or not their husband is an alcoholic. Let’s face it, many men (and women) like to drink on a regular basis—but does this make every one of them an alcoholic? Not necessarily! There is more to being an alcoholic than simply having a few beers with the guys after work but likewise, there is also something that is commonly known as a functioning alcoholic which is harder to spot but still a very dangerous situation.

Here’s a look a some common scenarios:

Scenario #1

My husband drinks every single night. He doesn’t just have a few drinks before dinner, he will often skip dinner and have drinks instead often staying up very late drinking alone. Is my husband an alcoholic?

The answer to this is most definitely yes. The reason that this can be considered an alcohol problem is that the individual drinks alone, chooses to skip meals in order to drink and lacks spending quality time with family in order to spend time drinking.

Scenario #2

My husband works all day, takes care of the two kids in the evening and overall is a great dad and husband. The problem is, he likes to drink beer with his friends every weekend. Is my husband an alcoholic?

The answer to this is in between. If the drinking beer each weekend is interrupting quality time, causes agitation if interrupted or is otherwise causing problems in your relationship then there could be an alcohol problem. However, if the beer drinking is casual, could stop anytime without problem, doesn’t seem to matter if it happens or not and is in good fun, there’s probably not much to worry about.

Scenario #3

My husband drinks morning, noon and night. In fact, I drive him to work in the morning because he’s already started drinking and I do not want to risk him getting into trouble or hurting someone in an accident. He works all day but when he comes home, he continues to drink. Is my husband an alcoholic?

The answer to this question is yes. Your husband is likely an alcoholic if he drinks in the morning, cannot function normally as a result of his drinking and otherwise causes problems in your relationship (such as your need to drive him to work because he’s already intoxicated).

If you think that your husband is an alcoholic, it may be time to seek professional help. There are many rehab programs available to help both husbands and wives who suffer from alcoholism or other forms of addiction. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? to talk with a rehab professional for help.

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