It is time to get help with your opiate addiction!
Opiate addiction affects more than 1 million Americans and this number is steadily on the rise. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the reason for such an alarming number of people becoming addiction to opiates is likely a result of the high number of Americans who are being prescribed (and subsequently becoming addicted) to prescription medications. Opiates include various types of prescription drugs such as Oxycontin and Morphine as well as the street drug heroin.
Addiction to opiates destroys the sense of self esteem, deteriorates the body, is both mentally and physically exhausting, and create a central nervous system disorder in which the body stops producing endorphins that help to signal a response to pain, excitement or other emotions. Over time, opiate addiction results in a serious chemical dependency that must be treated by detoxifying from the drugs and then seeking help for the various other conditions that have resulted or were the cause of the original use of the opiates. (for some this may be chronic pain, depression or other mental illness)
Opiate Detox and Opiate Withdrawal
The physical dependency that is built within the body when opiates are abused for a prolonged period of time results in various withdrawal symptoms if the opiates are abruptly removed from the system. Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include headaches, nausea, shakes, sweating, vomiting, loss of appetite and feeling sick. This is what makes detoxification from opiates so difficult as when the body does not have the opiates in the system the withdrawal effects are felt and this makes the addict feel sick, in pain or otherwise uncomfortable.
Various form of detox from opiates are offered at drug rehab centers. Traditional opiate detox programs will work to remove the opiates from the system over time while replacing them with other drugs that may reduce the withdrawal symptoms and make the addict more comfortable. Some opiate detox programs will replace the opiates with Methadone (ie Methadone Clinics) or Suboxane which is a medication that stops the withdrawal symptoms that are felt during opiate detox.
Rapid detox is a medical detoxification program that is considerably faster than traditional detox from opiates. This type of opiate detox involves involves being placed in a medical induced coma while the drugs are removed from the body. As a result, with rapid detox an individual can come into a drug rehab center fulling addicted to opiates and within a few hours can be completely free of the opiates and begin long term psychological treatment for the opiate addiction. Although rapid detox is a controversial treatment studies show that patients who have undergone rapid detox are 65% more likely to still be drug free 1 year later versus only 20% of those who undergo traditional opiate detox and treatment.
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