Alcohol rehab can help your teen recognize the dangers of alcohol and learn to lead a healthier life.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, the results of a 2012 national survey reported that in teens from age 12-20 there was an estimated 24.3 percent of teens, male and female, who drank alcohol within the past month. These results are alarming and if you or your loved one is affected by teenage alcohol abuse you may feel like your world has just crumbled. It hasn’t and there is help out there that can get you or your teen back on the road to recovery. This is not easy for anyone however this is certainly an opportunity to seek out each and every resource that could assist you in making the correct steps towards alcohol rehab and recovery. As a teen, you never really consider what the alcohol abuse can do to you long-term and the toll it can take on your health. It also can take a toll on your family, friends and even could lead to crime you had even thought of.
Nobody wants or plans to become addicted to alcohol, it happens, as we now know it is not a matter of willpower or some odd character flaw that you have. It can happen after only one drink or it may take longer but rest assured it will happen. It is the brain’s response to an abnormal behavior and the brain will trick itself into believing that you need the alcohol more and more.
Some warning signs to watch for in teens:
Do you notice that your happy-go-lucky teen has turned into a depressed, moody teen? You should be aware of this as it may be a sign they are drinking to change their moods.
Has your teen lost interest in activities that they used to enjoy? Do they now hang out with a completely different group of friends? Keep an eye on it as this may signal a shift to hang with those who accept the drinking as a “norm”
Has your teen changed their personality and become very negative? The alcohol could be causing them to feel ill and they may be very grumpy.
Has your teen exhibited risky behavior? Have they thrown caution to the wind and seem to have no fear?
Has your teen started skipping school or classes? Be very cognizant of this as this can also lead to a decline in school grades as well.
Know their friends, where they are hanging out and what their activities are and where they are. If they decline to tell you, that should be seen that as a red flag.
Are they asking for money all the time or do they always seem to be out of money?
Do not waste any time reaching out for help and there is no stigma attached to getting assistance for alcohol abuse. Reaching out for rehab treatment will be one of the best things you ever did!
The traditional twelve-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous outlines a course of action that is set for the recovery from addiction or compulsions as well as other behavioral problems. This 12-step type treatment was originally designed as a means of recovering from alcoholism but is now synonymously used for the treatment of all types of addiction…..
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Rehab is only the first step to sobriety, after a person leaves rehab they will have to continue to remain sober. This can be difficult, but there are programs and support options a person should utilize to help them in their life after rehab. About Alcohol Addiction Alcohol addiction is a chronic brain disease that….
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When it comes to helping a loved one find an alcohol treatment center, there are many details that will come into play. Once you learn as much as possible about alcohol addiction, you will find yourself in position to provide your loved one with the help they need to get their life back on track…..
Everybody faces challenges in their lifetime, but, what’s important is how they face those challenges and overcome them to the best of their ability. Although treatment, support, strategic coping skills, and behavioral changes are needed to overcome drug abuse and addiction, in many cases, the stigma or fear of changes attached to rehab far outweigh….
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InnerBalance Health Center of Loveland, Colorado has recently been added to the Rehab Centers directory of drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers to provide greater access to addiction treatment services for those in Colorado and across the United States. Recently, InnerBalance Health Center decided to join the Rehab Centers team and list the services offered at….
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