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Using Technology in Drug Treatment Programs

Not to be confused with addiction to technology, more and more treatment centers are beginning to use technology in their diagnostic and treatment regiments. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, technology sharing has a profound impact on addiction research and furthering knowledge. Not only is technology allowing public and private sector research teams, it also provides a more hands on way of treating drug abuse.

Imaging Technology

drug treatment technology

Imaging technology allows for doctors to see the difference between an addicted brain and a normal one.

It is now possible with imaging technology and dyes to see the exact brain processes of the addicted brain against the so called normal brain. Scientists and doctors are now able to see and plan for the development of these patterns. Some of them seem to indicate a predilection for addiction while others indicate addictive behaviors that are already in place.

Medical Technology

New drugs such as Suboxone and methadone are all products of the ever changing medical aspects of addiction science. New and improved medicines are being researched and developed to prevent withdrawal symptoms and help with a patient’s recovery. Whether it is something as complex as stopping withdrawal or as simple as taking care of one particularly bothersome symptoms, new medicines are developed on a daily basis.

Effective Drug Treatment Principles Outlined by NIDA

Treatment Technologies

Like any other aspect of treatment technology can plan an important role in diagnosing and treating addictions and the mental health issues that go along with it. Some of the techniques technology is helpful for are:

Role playing and scenario games

Unless the addiction is to technology or videogames the video game world can be an excellent resource. It can help with:

  • Role playing scenarios,
  • Fear reduction scenarios,
  • Healthy escape techniques,
  • Personal and intersocial boundaries,
  • Socialization,
  • Helpful for treating or at least stabilizing agoraphobia, and
  • Allows those who are socially or mental disabled to work from home in a productive environment.

Technology is extremely helpful when used for each of these scenarios. It does however need careful monitoring. It is possible that it can create the very situation that it was designed to prevent. This is why technological solutions should be monitored while they are being used in therapeutic situations.

Computerized evaluations

In the past the majority of mental illness and addiction evaluations were subjective. With the use of computer technology, it takes some of the examiners opinion out of the equation. The more standard evaluations can be done almost completely objectively without the feeling and option that creep into so much of the evaluation when it is done by a human.

Although there are still circumstances where only a human can judge an amount of pain or level of a condition, computers can correlate many of the symptoms from available data. A computer can also find correlations that humans might not be able to.

Aftercare and Support Programs Using Technology

In today society of social media and chat channels, it is little wonder that technology is often a part of aftercare. If you are in a 12 step program you can go to a meeting anytime and anywhere in the world. If you just need to talk to someone, there are counselors and others in your situations that are there to help. For more information on how to access technology assisted treatment, call us at 888-646-0635Who Answers?.

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