According to the National Library of Medicine, there is some credence to spirituality and religious beliefs helping in recovery. Although each approach is different, they do share some of the basic principles such as a belief in a higher power. This is just a sample of the different spiritual or religious recovery centers available, there are recovery centers for almost every religious belief.
Catholic Rehab Centers
Looking to a higher power while in rehab helps many people recover.
These rehab centers structure their treatment programs around the Catholic beliefs and prayer. A normal day in one of these centers involves mass in the morning and then a variety of counseling, growth, and other rehabilitative activities including doctor’s visits. This is followed by medication and sometimes another mass. The atmosphere in many catholic recovery facilities is not unlike that of a monastery or convent. Much of the therapy is accomplished through work within the facility such as gardening, food preparation, and other activities.
Christian and Nondenominational Rehab Centers
There are several types of Christian and nondenominational rehab facilities. Some are very strictly religious while others are more loosely based on the Christian faith. The only true difference between these and nonreligious centers is the presence of prayer in most activities. Prayer in this case often acts as a form of mediation and brings peace to those in withdrawal. Again these rehab centers also provide doctors, counseling, and other therapeutic practices.
Holistic Recovery Centers
Holistic recovery centers have a spiritual component to them. Sometimes this spiritual component is to the more earth or older spiritual beliefs and sometimes it is just the belief that God lives within everyone and that alone has healing power.
Holistic practices focus on treating the whole person and that person’s whole life. This includes restructuring attitudes, beliefs, and lifestyle. Many holistic centers also practice herbal medicine and rely on practices such as acupuncture and massage.
Non-spiritual rehab centers are ones that do not involve a spiritual component. Instead, they rely on pure science and medicine. Although they might combine some of the practices and holistic beliefs of treating the whole body, in order to promote recovery but there is no mention of any spiritual side of things. They have the same forms of counseling and medical management that other religious based programs have, it just lacks the reliance on a higher power.
12 Step Programs
Although there are 12 step programs that do not involve a spiritual side most of them do believe in and ask a higher power for help. This is a very strong side of the 12 step program but it is not for everyone. Most people who want nothing to do with religion do not do well in normal 12 step programs because of this.
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Where to Find a Rehab Center that Fits Your Beliefs
Each center is different and there really are treatment centers for every religious and spiritual beliefs. Even some treatment centers are modeled after Indian ashrams or Tibetan and Buddhist temples. In order to find the treatment center that is right for you, call us 888-646-0635Who Answers?. We can help you with all of your spiritual and religious recovery needs.
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