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Benefits of Holistic Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs

addiction recovery

Holistic treatments are hugely helpful in rehab and recovery.

It is a well understood concept that treating one aspect of addiction without treating the others leaves an addict vulnerable to relapse. Holistic drug and alcohol rehab programs are designed to treat the whole self including the mind, body, and spirit of the individual to ensure a more successful recovery.

About Holistic Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs

Holistic drug and alcohol rehab programs integrate conventional and complementary therapies that address the unique aspects of the individual and promote optimal health physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually.

Generally, conventional rehabs provide a detox program, counseling, cognitive and behavioral therapies, medical, psychiatric, and aftercare services as the major elements of their rehab programs. Some offer alternative treatment approaches and many use 12-Step group support as adopted from Alcoholics Anonymous to help the person work through their recovery with others who have similar experiences.

Holistic rehabs take these steps further and help the person to find a positive balance by addressing every contributing aspect of the person simultaneously so they can change their health, lifestyle, attitudes, and habits as they learn to care, love, and nurture themselves.

Benefits of Holistic Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs

Healing comes in stride with nutrition, rest, exercise, and relaxation techniques that are integrated with program methods such as:

Herbal Medicine

This holistic approach uses herbs to heal and balance physical, emotional, and psychological conditions. They help to prevent and treat diseases and poor health as well as provide energy, focus, emotional stability, and enhance moods.


Acupuncture has been used for centuries in Asian for healing. Therapists use fine needles inserted in systematic ways to areas of the body for specific purposes, whether it is the relief of pain or the stimulation of endorphins to feel better.

Yoga and Massage

These treatments improve physical as well as psychological functioning by helping the person feel a greater sense of self awareness, and reduce pain, stress, and tension while promoting inner peace and relaxation.


Meditation relieves pain, improves focus, and reduces stress, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances.

Pet/Animal Therapy

Equine therapy has long been proven to help the individual develop positive behaviors that promote patience, responsibility, trust, and confidence while remaining more calm and peaceful.

This stress reduction therapy is often used with other pets such as dogs and ducks to minimize a person’s overwhelming state of anxiety or depression.

Naturalistic Therapy

Naturalistic therapies promote healthy and balanced nutrition with natural environments for privacy and thought explorations which helps to improve physical health as well as cognitive, emotional, and behavioral health.

Spiritual Therapy

One of the most beneficial things a person can do is to get in balance with their spirituality. Whether it is faith based or not, understanding who you really are, in all aspects, promises a greater hope in recovery.

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