Effective Drug Treatment Principles Outlined by NIDA
Effective drug treatment can help you overcome your addiction once and for all!
While there are various agencies that have been attributed to having developed guides and principles for effective drug treatment, the most common principles that are used by treatment centers as a guide to effective drug treatment are outlined by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) principles for effective drug treatment focus on treating the whole person rather than just the addiction or only one aspect of the addiction such as the psychological aspects or the physical aspects.
According to NIDA, effective drug treatment will vary from person to person as no single drug addiction treatment is appropriate for everyone. Additionally, effective drug treatment must be made readily available in order for the individual to truly benefit from it. Here’s a look at some of the other elements that NIDA believes should be incorporated into a treatment program in order for it to be effective:
Effective drug treatment will attend to more than just the needs associated with an individual’s drug addiction or drug use
Effective drug treatment takes time and the length of time that an individual spends in treatment is critical to the overall effectiveness of the program
Various types of counseling and behavioral therapies combine to create an effective drug treatment program
While medications are important in effective drug treatment, they should only be used under the supervision of a doctor and when combined with counseling and therapy
It’s important that co-occurring disorders also be treated as part of the drug treatment program in order for the program to provide the most effective approach. Mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression or other conditions should be treated alongside the addiction and in conjunction with the drug addiction.
It is not necessary for treatment to be voluntary in order for it to be effective. Many people who enter drug treatment do so because they are forced to and they are also apprehensive about the treatment until days, weeks or even months into treatment.
Effective drug treatment will provide routine assessment to assure that drugs are not used during treatment.
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