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How to Find Free Inpatient Drug Rehab

free drug rehab

It is possible to find a free rehab program.

There are times when a person who is suffering from a drug addiction wants to get treatment, but unfortunately they cannot afford it. In most cases they give up the idea of treatment and may continue to use drugs. Others may try quitting on their own but fail. This may be due to the painful withdrawal symptoms they experience. To avoid the discomfort-they return to drug use. If free inpatient drug rehab was available for them, they can get the help needed to overcome addiction.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, some facilities offer substance abuse treatment at no charge or a sliding fee scale based on income and other factors.

Where to Get Free Inpatient Drug Rehab

Some people that might require treatment for drug addiction are not aware that there are services available for obtaining free treatment at drug rehab centers. While most centers are expensive, and some exclusive to certain needs or requirements of an individual, free drug rehab can still be found. Some examples of free drug rehab resources include:

  • Your health insurance – Some health insurance companies will cover the cost of drug rehab. You can either call the insurance company or the treatment center in your area. Ask them if the insurance you have covers inpatient drug rehab treatment.
  • Hospitals – Depending on the severity of the addiction, if immediate care is required, hospitals may be able to provide treatment, and connect you to resources that offer free inpatient care.
  • Community health agencies – Many community centers have resources to help you find state or city funded programs that offer no cost drug rehab to those that do not have the financial means to pay.
  • Drug rehab centers – Some inpatient drug rehab centers that would otherwise be costly, may have programs that can cover the cost of treatment. These may be funds that they have acquired from private companies or other, and are set aside for such cases.
  • Government funded treatment centers – There are drug rehab centers that are mainly for individuals that have low income or no income. They can offer inpatient care as well as other services.
  • Non-profit groups – There are non-profit groups that have the available resources to financially help an individual get inpatient treatment if seriously needed. Some of these non-profit group’s only criteria for them to help financially is proving that you need it. Many churches have such resources available too.

Do not let the cost of drug rehab keep you from getting treatment. Do not give up on the idea that if you cannot afford it –why bother. By asking questions, searching online, and calling a variety of sources, you can end up finding the right inpatient drug rehab center to help you overcome a drug problem for free.

Will Free Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers Bill You Later?

Some may think that free inpatient care is not really free, and that they will get a huge bill to pay months later. This is not the case for free rehab. The costs are covered by insurance, state programs, or non-profit agencies, and in some cases-private companies who do not make their information public. Once accepted into receiving free treatment, there are no bills to worry about.

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