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Learning to Be Honest in Recovery

As stated by the National Library of Medicine, “Lying and stealing” are some of the most damaging behaviors a person can participate in when they become addicted to drugs, and unfortunately, these are some of the clearest signs of a serious addiction. For these reasons, learning to be honest is one of the most important parts of the recovery process.

The Importance of Learning Truthfulness

honesty in recovery

Being honest with your loved ones will help them understand your addiction and help to restore trust.

When a person is being treated in a rehab center, they need to work on their life skills as well as their ability to stop abusing drugs; these skills can help them cope with the issues they may encounter in a better way than abusing substances or taking on other, harmful behaviors. Learning to be honest is a part of this recovery, and it is necessary to the individual even after they leave treatment. Untruthful behavior can lead someone back to other dangerous actions and, eventually, to relapse in many cases.

In addition, friends, family members, and other loved ones have likely been hurt by your dishonesty in the past when you were still abusing drugs, and they may still have trouble trusting you. It is so very important to have the support of those you love during treatment, as this can help you recover more easily, avoid relapse, and have the hope, encouragement, and love you will need during this difficult time. Being able to show your loved ones that you are capable of change and forthrightness can help them begin to forgive and trust you again and, in turn, they can also support you.

The Process of Learning to Be Honest

While many individuals who abuse drugs may have been honest to begin with and then stumbled along the way because of the severity of their addictions, others have had trouble with social interactions from the start and may have always struggled with honesty. For those individuals, a more intensive treatment program may be necessary, like the long-term therapeutic community, which is a residential treatment that helps “residents examine damaging beliefs, self-concepts, and destructive patterns of behavior and adopt new, more harmonious and constructive ways to interact with others” (The National Institute on Drug Abuse).

Restoring Relationships in Recovery

Others may be able to learn what they need through cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is a treatment used at many different types of rehab centers. CBT helps individuals examine certain scenarios and learn better ways to cope with them instead of lying, abusing drugs, or doing other damaging things. In addition, group therapy and family therapy can help individuals face their issues with honesty in a safe space where they can learn to open up to others without judgment and to listen to the feelings of those around them as well.

Honesty is Essential for Recovery

If you are serious about quitting drug abuse and living a better life, you will need to learn to become honest again so your loved ones can trust you and so you can begin to trust yourself. This can help you avoid relapse as well as other issues associated with addiction and help you become the person you want to be. If you are looking for a rehab center in your area, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today.

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