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Does Holistic Rehab Work?

Let holistic rehab help you!

Let holistic rehab help you!

Anytime you ask a question such as, “Does holistic rehab work?” there is a problem with coming up with a solid, and straight answer. This is because, there is no single, one-size-fits-all method of treatment or rehabilitation that will work for every addict and therefore there is no sure way to state whether holistic rehab will work for you until you try it. However, for some, holistic rehab is a very effective means of substance abuse treatment that provides a solid foundation for a lifetime of recovery and sobriety.

Here’s how it works:

Holistic drug rehab is a method of treatment for substance abuse that incorporates a variety of different treatment modalities into the regimen to provide patients with a whole body approach to health and wellness that really can work. Unlike some forms of addiction treatment that only focus on the disease of addiction, holistic drug rehab focuses on the entire person and every facet of his or her health and well-being.

These programs will take a full assessment of the lifestyle, drug or alcohol abuse, past & present health history and other situations that pertain to the addict to come up with a treatment regimen. Instead of focusing all aspects of treatment on the addiction, the focus may be more on what caused the addiction, whether there are health concerns that caused the addiction or that have resulted from the addiction, whether there are mental health concerns, how that addiction has affected the spiritual well-being of the individual, and how the body has reacted to the addiction.

Many different methods of treatment are used in holistic rehab. The patient may see a doctor for traditional treatment of disease, pain, mental illness or other conditions and he or she may also work with a spiritual counselor for guidance and spiritual healing. Alternative treatment methods may also be used to assist with detox, pain, discomfort, insomnia or other areas of the addiction recovery.

Some of the most common alternative therapies that are commonly used in holistic rehab include acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal remedies and other integrative treatments. The focus is on helping the patient to heal spiritually, emotionally, physically and psychologically as a whole. Instead of placing a focus on healing just the addiction, holistic rehab works by helping patients to heal completely.

If you’re still not sure if holistic rehab is right for you, your best chance at finding out may just be to try it. Addiction is a devastating disease, but holistic rehab programs understand that the disease of addiction may have to do with more than just using drugs or alcohol. There is a reason why you abuse these substances – be it to stop pain, mask emotions or for some other reason. Holistic rehab can get to the bottom of these underlying issues and provide treatment for more than just an addiction to drugs or alcohol so that you can make a full recovery.

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