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How to Evaluate a Rehab Center

When you decide to seek treatment, it is extremely important to know what to look for in a treatment center. Evaluating a treatment center is one of the most difficult and most important things that you will do before you enter a facility. Careful evaluation assures you that you will receive the treatment that you need to fully recover from your addiction.

Ask for Testimonials or Reviews

It is perfectly reasonable to ask for reviews for a rehab center that you are considering. Most will freely offer reviews and client testimonials. It is always better if these testimonials come from a third party such as a 3rd party review site.

Find the Daily Schedule

Take a look at the daily schedule for the facility. They should offer you a generic schedule just so you can see what being in the facility or an outpatient of the facility will be like on a daily basis. If the schedule is not to your liking the facility might not be for you.

Ask About Accreditation

Several accreditation agencies offer reviews and certifications to rehab facilities. These are:

  • Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
  • Behavioral Healthcare Facility Accreditation Agency
  • The Joint Commission on Rehabilitation Accreditation

All of these agencies help to make sure that each rehab center follows protocols and offers safe and effective rehab experiences for all of their clients. Without accreditation from one of these agencies, the facility is operating on its own without regulation.

Find out What type of Therapies They Offer

art therapy

Make sure the rehab center you choose offers a variety of therapies, such as art therapy.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a variety of therapies is necessary for complete recovery. It is important that the facility you choose offers the therapies that work best for you. There are several types of therapies and each person benefits from different combinations.

Check for Cleanliness and Organization

It is always good to take a tour of the facility you plan on entering, especially if it is an inpatient facility. Most of these facilities are kept in near pristine condition in order to pass the accreditation process, but some slip through the cracks. You definitely want a clean and organized facility.

Find out their Success Rate

Although sometimes numbers offered by facilities are inflated, it is important to know what the facility’s success rate is. Some rehabs offer this information freely but it is a good idea to double check with whichever accreditation agency certified the facility.

How to Find the Best Addiction Treatment Program For You

Find out if They Offer Comprehensive Aftercare

Aftercare is extremely important when it comes to making a complete recovery. Your recovery cannot end when you leave an inpatient or outpatient facility. Most people require supportive therapy long after they leave an actual rehab environment. When you are considering a rehab center ask them about their aftercare programs and how they plan to help you after your treatment has ended.

For more information on rehab centers or if you need help choosing or evaluating a facility, call us at 888-646-0635Who Answers?. We can help handle any questions you might have about a specific rehab center or particular type of treatment.

More Rehab Centers Resources

What to Do When You Relapse

When you relapse, it feels devastating. You feel like a failure, like you’ve let everybody down. Your parents. Your children. Your friends. Family. Coworkers. AA members. You’ve always known you’re a failure and now you’ve proved it to everyone. STOP. That’s your addiction talking. Trying to woe you back into its grasp. You relapsed. So….

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Gambling Addiction and Drug Addiction Go Hand in Hand

Don't let your gambling addiction and drug addiction ruin you!

Did you know that a third of all people who are in drug rehab centers also suffer from a co-occurring addiction to gambling? Gambling addiction and drug addiction tend to go hand in hand causing a world of problems for the addict and those who care for them. Like drug addiction, gambling addiction is a….

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How a Rehab Center Treats People with Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder, or BPD, is one of several personality disorders, including paranoid personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. BPD is a complex and serious mental illness. Those who are diagnosed with it are unable to manage their emotions appropriately and this seriously impacts relationships. They find it difficult to regulate their emotions and thoughts;….

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Reasons Why Some Interventions Fail

Don’t let your intervention fail you!

For the loved ones or family members of an individual who is addicted to drugs or alcohol, intervention may seem like a last resort effort that absolutely must work – so what happens if an intervention fails? Most people don’t think ahead to determine what will happen in the event that an intervention fails and….

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Ohio Tech Stepping in to Fight Opioid Addiction

The opioid addiction crisis is serious in the state of Ohio, and more groups are stepping in to try and make a difference. Among these is the technology industry of the state, which is holding a Technology Challenge for both scientists and laymen to try and figure out new ways to help people with opioid….

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10 Types of Treatment found in Holistic Drug Rehab

holistic addiction treatment

About Holistic Drug Rehab Holistic drug rehab is a way for people to receive the help they need to detox and learn to manage their drug addiction, without the use of medication and unnatural resources. Holistic rehab program focus on a person finding balance and learning to manage their own addiction. According to the Center….

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Where Can I Find Free Inpatient Rehab Centers?

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How Aftercare will Help Your Heroin Recovery

heroin addiction recovery

Choosing to attend an aftercare program after your formal treatment has ended can actually make an incredible difference in the success of your heroin addiction recovery. Many individuals choose to forgo this option, but transition is a necessary part of recovery, so much so that it can actually protect you from relapse. Consider choosing an….

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