The opioid addiction crisis is serious in the state of Ohio, and more groups are stepping in to try and make a difference. Among these is the technology industry of the state, which is holding a Technology Challenge for both scientists and laymen to try and figure out new ways to help people with opioid use disorders. The Challenge will culminate in the awarding of grants to the top five concepts put forth by contestants from all over the state.
“[Addiction] is a complicated issue,” says Kelly Cashion, a Technology Challenge winner, “so multi-faceted solutions seem like the only possible way to address it, and technology makes sense as a part of the solution.”
One of the winning programs is associated with neuro-feedback, which will allow patients to actually see the way addiction affects their brains. This program will also allow them to resume control over their own actions, thoughts, and feelings, making it an extremely effective tool for treating opioid addiction.
Can I Overcome Opioid Addiction Without Treatment?
We often hear stories of people who just quit using drugs cold turkey and never return to them again. However, these stories are rather unrealistic for most individuals and make it difficult for people to grasp just how important treatment is to the process of recovery, especially for someone who has become addicted to opioid drugs.
• For one, being able to fight against the symptoms of addiction is not an issue of willpower or strength. Addiction is a disease that, though having its origins in what most would consider voluntary drug use, has become involuntary over time and therefore very dangerous to the user (National Institute on Drug Abuse).
o Once addiction sets in, the individual is no longer capable of controlling when or if they will use the drug. In most cases, their use will consume their life.
• Because addiction is a disease, it requires proper care just like any other illness.
o People with diabetes must get treatment in order to avoid dangerous side effects and so must those with asthma.
o Addiction is a chronically relapsing disease just like these medical issues, which means those suffering from it require the ability to learn to avoid relapse but also the help of medical treatments like pharmaceuticals and behavioral therapies.
• Finally, opioid abuse is an especially serious issue that absolutely requires professional treatment.
o These drugs can be found almost everywhere from on the street to online to in a family member’s medicine cabinet.
o As such, those with addictions need to learn how to cope with their desire to use and learn to avoid returning to these drugs, rather than simply trying to stop on their own.
Addiction is an illness that requires treatment like any other illness would receive. This means professional care that suits the needs of the patient, and in most cases, takes place in a facility that can provide supervision, a wide variety of treatment options, and ultra-focused, individualized care. Without this, it is extremely difficult (and for some, impossible) to recover from opioid addiction.
Where Can I Find Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders?
Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? now, and we will connect you with a treatment advisor who can help you find programs and facilities near you.
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