Local rehab helps keep families together despite the stresses caused by substance abuse.
About two years ago my mother-in-law mother came to us and admitted that she had become addicted to opiate pain medication and that when she couldn’t find pills she often would substitute heroin because it was more readily available and less expensive. We had suspected that there might be a problem for sometime but still we were devastated. My husband had two younger brothers that still lived at home, one 9 and the other 15. Immediately our minds flashed to them and how this was going to effect them.
We decided that it was best to get the whole family together to plan the next course of action. I am fortunate that my mother-in-law has wonderful sisters who stepped up and found a detox center for her to go to right away and also a residential inpatient facility for long term therapy and treatment. We decided that the boys would move in with us while she was away and we moved into a house that was in their school district so that they wouldn’t have to change schools.
How Local Rehab Centers Benefit the Whole Family
Once she completed the detoxification process she was admitted into to a local facility that was only about five miles away from our home. We were all encouraged to register to be visitors and gradually as she gained privileges we were able to plan more and more visits and take the boys to see her at least twice a week.
We found this to be extremely helpful in the transition as they came to live with us. They were able to maintain their relationship with their mother and spend special occasions and milestones in her recovery with her. She appreciated that she was able to see them and us regularly. She was kept up on what was happening with them in their classes and their daily lives, and they were able to support her as she slowly healed and came back to her beautiful self.
We were also encouraged to participate in group counseling with my mother-in-law which really helped us and other family members that were having a hard time dealing with everything. It helped to know that she had not intentionally hurt us, but that she could not control her actions due to her addiction. According to NIDA, “Drug addiction is a complex disorder that can involve virtually every aspect of an individual’s functioning—in the family, at work and school, and in the community”.
The counseling sessions we went through together as a family helped us to grow strong for the time when she would be able to come home and eventually when she would be ready for the kids to come home. It’s been almost a year now and she and the boys are doing really well. We were grateful to be able to participate in her treatment and for the support that was extended to us during that time. The fact that the rehab center was so close to us made possible.
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