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Understanding When Local Drug Rehab is the Wrong Choice

In most cases, staying close to home for your rehab program is the best decision you can make. It means that you will be able to cut your travel expenses, receive visits from family and loved ones who will help strengthen your recovery, and easily be able to transition back into your normal life after treatment. However, there are some instances in which local drug rehab is the wrong choice. It is important for you to be aware of this possibility and whether or not it applies to you.

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Environmental Disadvantages

Certain environments are more likely to lead their residents to the possibility of drug abuse. In many cases, these environments are not conducive to rehabilitation. According to SAMHSA, “Individuals, families, and communities that have experienced social and economic disadvantages are more likely to face greater obstacles to overall health.”

Staying in one of these environments for local rehab is usually not the best decision, as it can lead to relapse due to the ready availability of illicit drugs and the often general ineffectiveness of rehab centers in these areas. If you live somewhere in which drug abuse is rampant (as a partial result of other socioeconomic issues), you may need to travel to receive better care.

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Unsupportive Social Networks

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If your environment is toxic and contributes to your drug use local rehab may not be right for you.

For some individuals, choosing recovery over continued drug abuse is not always supported by their loved ones. Especially if the individual is surrounded by friends and family members who still abuse drugs, it can be difficult to pull away. Some people even feel threatened by those closest to them when they express a desire to quit.

A person in a situation such as this should not stay close to home because of the issues caused by an unsupportive social network. It will likely hurt their recovery and, in some cases, endanger their lives. This is another circumstance where leaving home to seek rehab is a much better choice than staying local.

Finding the Right Program

Sometimes, it can be difficult or even impossible to find the right program or facility close to home. Some individuals need to go farther in order to receive the kind of help they need. According to the NIDA, “Effective treatment attends to multiple needs of the individual, not just his or her drug abuse.”

Many patients need comorbidity treatment (as  “data show that persons diagnosed with mood or anxiety disorders are about twice as likely to suffer also from a drug use disorder”), the likes of which they may not be able to receive in a smaller community (NIDA). Others may need to stay at an inpatient center, for comprehensive treatment and a controlled environment, of which there are none close by. There are many times where the right program is simply not available locally. And instead of the individual compromising their treatment needs, it is better that they look elsewhere.

Local drug rehab is not always the best choice for every individual. You should consider your unique needs and make sure a program caters to them before deciding on a course of action. And sometimes the best program calls for the necessity of travel.

We can help you find the treatment you need. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? toll free to find help.

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