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How Will I Pay for Alcohol Rehab Costs

rehab for alcohol

There are ways to find insurance for alcohol rehab as well as free or sliding scale programs.

Alcohol addiction is a disease that negatively impacts the lives of millions of Americans every year, and every year the majority of people who suffer from an alcohol addiction do not get help. Alcohol addiction is not only dangerous to a personsā€™ heath over time, but it is also a leading cause of death in America every year.

According to theĀ Center for Disease Control and Prevention, alcohol abuse is the third leading causing of death in the US. Every year there are approximately 88,000 deaths that occur from alcohol abuse. In addition, alcohol abuse results in 2.5 million years of life loss and 1.2 million emergency room visits every year.

Since alcohol addiction commonly goes hand in hand with alcohol dependency a person will have to go through both mental and physical withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking alcohol. These withdrawal symptoms can be extremely difficult for a person to go through alone and they can also be dangerous. It is in a personā€™s best interest to receive medical supervision when they decide to stop drinking alcohol.

An alcohol rehab will provide a patient with the medical resources, such as medication, and the psychological resources, such as behavioral therapy, that they need to help them get through their alcohol detox. An alcohol rehab will also provide a person with the education and support they need to overcome their drug addiction.

Finding Affordable Alcohol Rehab

There are thousands of alcohol rehabs available for people to help for their alcohol addictions, and many rehabs will work with people on price. In addition, there are rehabs out there that are publicly funded, meaning that they are free to those who qualify. Free rehab can be found at sites like If a person is looking for a rehab that offers them a little more than what a free rehab does, they should look into sliding scale rehabs. These rehabs will only charge a person admission based on their current income.

Furthermore, some health insurance companies help cover rehab expenses, since many of the treatments provided at rehabs are important to a personā€™s overall health. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, behavioral therapy and medication are important elements of addiction treatment. This process often begins with detoxification, followed by relapse prevention and treatment. Lessoning the withdrawal symptoms can be an important factor in the beginning of treatment. Moreover, preventing relapse is necessary for maintaining effective treatment.

If a person needs rehab to help them conquer an alcohol addiction, they should conduct research on the different types of options they have regarding costs, because they do have options.

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