It is important to know the signs of drug addiction!
Are you struggling with life, trying to keep everything from spiraling out of control but not matter how hard you try you just keep using drugs? You feel helpless and ashamed, you’ve isolated yourself from friends and family, you miss work or school regularly because you don’t “feel” well but no matter what you do, each day you find yourself still using drugs despite the whirlwind of problems that are occurring around you. You are likely the victim of drug addiction, a terrible and dangerous condition that, when left untreated, has dire consequences.
Recognizing the signs of drug addiction can be as easy as 1,2, 3 or it can be as difficult as finding a needle in the haystack. This is because no two addictions are the same, no two addicts are the same and depending on the level of the addiction and various other factors it may or may not be easy to spot. Physical and psychological effects of drug addiction can be either very prominent or not so noticeable. You may not recognize the signs of addiction before your family members or friends do or you may realize long before anyone else does that you have fallen victim to this devastating condition. Regardless of how you realize the signs, the important fact to consider is that realizing that you have a problem is the first step to finding treatment for the condition.
Signs of Drug Addiction
If you can recognize the signs of drug addiction early on then you have a better chance at getting help for the addiction and making a full recovery. If you recognize any of these signs as being present in your life then you are likely the victim of addiction and should seek help:
You use more drugs than you used to just to feel the same effect, you’ve built up a tolerance to drugs.
You use drugs when you are stressed out, happy or when you aren’t feeling well. The drugs help to make you âfeelâ better.
You use drugs to prevent from having to feel any withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, sweating, insomnia, nausea, or shaking
You have used drugs even when you didn’t âwantâ to or when you said you wouldn’t, you’ve lost control over your drug use
You wake up thinking about drugs, go to bed after using drugs, and your life revolves around your drug use, finding more drugs and recovering from the effects that the drugs have had on you
You no longer play sports, you don’t socialize with your old friends or family and you no longer take part in various activities such as hobbies or other things you used to enjoy
You recognize that drugs are effecting you negatively, you know that they are bad and are hurting you and you continue to use drugs despite knowing all of this.
If you or someone you love is showing these or other signs of drug addiction, the sooner help is sought the sooner a recovery can become reality. Drug addiction does not have to be the end of your life. Rehab Centers can help an addict overcome drug addiction and regain complete control of their lives.
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