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Understanding Drug Rehab Insurance Options

Drug rehab insurance can help you with the high costs of rehab.

Drug rehab insurance can help you with the high costs of rehab.

Many insurers cover drug treatment to some extent whether it’s comprehensive coverage that will pay for the entire cost of a drug rehab center or your insurer only covers certain aspects of treatment it’s important to understand what you options are for drug rehab insurance before you enter into a treatment program. Some questions you may want to ask yourself and your insurer may include: Does the insurance coverage cover medications during rehab? Is drug detox covered? How long will the insurance cover drug treatment and what will be the associated costs for you?

Drug Rehab Insurance – What is it?

Similar to health insurance, and likely part of your overall health insurance plan, drug rehab provides coverage for a range of drug addiction treatment programs. All medical issues that are related to drug addiction or to drug detox are considered part of the drug rehab insurance plan. Many health insurance plans lack a specific break down of what exactly is covered when it comes to drug rehab and because of this you will likely have many related questions.

State law (in the majority of states) does require insurance coverage to protect consumers and provide coverage for drug detox but the treatment for drug addiction that follows is often not covered fully or may be very vaguely outlined in the insurance policy terms and conditions. If you are unclear about what your health insurance will cover in terms of drug rehab you should immediately contact your insurance agent to get some further details. Be prepared to ask questions specific to your own treatment such as if alcohol detox is covered, how long an alcohol addiction treatment plan is covered or what percentage of it will be covered, etc.

Who Has Drug Rehab Insurance?

Most people who have medical insurance have some type of drug rehab coverage. For instance, most states require insurers to provide drug and alcohol detox coverage and many insurers follow suit by providing at least some basic coverage for drug rehab and addiction treatment. Additionally, many state medical insurance programs such as Medicaid or Medicare provide some form of drug rehab coverage and coverage for addiction counseling and treatment so most people have some form of drug rehab insurance.

If you do not have medical insurance, there’s no reason to go on addicted to drugs and alcohol. There are many other options for treatment available including free drug rehab centers and affordable drug rehab centers. Many of these will work with you on a payment plan that you can afford or that will be most suitable for you to receive addiction treatment.

Additionally, if you find that your health coverage does not provide enough coverage for you to complete drug rehab it is advisable to contact your drug rehab center and ask them for help. Many times these centers have built extensive relationships with the insurance companies and are able to work out some more suitable options for you.

Where Can You Get Drug Rehab Insurance?

If you don’t have medical insurance or you don’t have drug rehab insurance coverage then there are still some options for you to get drug rehab insurance. Contact various medical insurance companies and find out what type of treatment plans are covered and what type of coverage they offer. If you have your heart set on a specific drug rehab center then you can always ask them which insurers the would recommend you work with. There are many options out there and finding drug rehab insurance is similar to finding car insurance…you just have to shop around!

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