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Signs You Need Alcohol Abuse Treatment

alcoholism signs

If you cannot stop drinking on your own you may need treatment.

Alcohol is an easily attainable, legal drug which makes many people believe it is safe and even harmless. But alcohol is often abused in excessive amounts by people who do not realize that they have a problem. This can lead to many issues like family and social problems, illegal actions and lawsuits, and serious health effects just to name a few. Here are some signs that you may need alcohol abuse treatment.

What is Alcohol Abuse?

According to the OWH, “alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking that is harmful to the drinker or others.” It is usually an issue that occurs more than once and causes the same problems over and over, as well as new problems over time. If you consider the problems that alcohol has caused you, you may be able to pinpoint whether or not you are abusing alcohol.

Alcohol abuse causes issues in all areas of life, but the NLM states that “you are not physically dependent” on alcohol if you are classified as struggling with alcohol abuse. This is why many people tend to think that their problems with alcohol are not serious, as alcoholics experience withdrawal symptoms. But alcohol abuse is also very serious and could require treatment.

Signs You Need Alcohol Abuse Treatment

Many people do not stop to realize just how much their abuse of alcohol is affecting them and those around them. According to the OWH, these issues occurring “repeatedly in a 12-month period” are signs of alcohol abuse:

  • “Missing work or skipping child care responsibilities because of drinking,” or otherwise neglecting important issues in order to drink
  • Drinking in a dangerous situation or making your situation dangerous by being intoxicated
  • Getting arrested for an alcohol-related issue (i.e. driving while intoxicated)
  • Continuing to drink even if you feel guilty or you know it is a issue for your loved ones
  • Making poor decisions because you want to drink alcohol or choosing to drink alcohol above all other things

Any time your drinking begins to interfere with your life on a continuous basis, there is a possibility that you may be abusing alcohol. Tolerance, cravings, and physical dependence are signs of alcohol addiction (or alcoholism), so when searching for the presence of alcohol abuse in your life, you should consider your behavior and the consequences of your drinking.

Why Seek Treatment for Alcohol Abuse?

Treatment for those who abuse alcohol can be just as important and beneficial as treatment for those who are alcoholics. Alcohol abuse is a very serious problem and sometimes, people can only get better with treatment. Seeking treatment for this, less intense alcohol use disorder (or AUD) can also help to prevent a person from getting worse in the future and possibly becoming an alcoholic.

Treatment for alcohol abuse starts with an assessment of what the individual needs and how intense the problem already is. Its aim is to help you break the bad pattern that you have taken on when it comes to drinking by using behavioral therapy and medications. These same methods are used in alcoholism treatment, but it is much easier to start with and change alcohol abuse than it is to change addiction.

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