According to the NIDA, “Addiction treatment must help the individual stop using drugs, maintain a drug-free lifestyle, and achieve productive functioning in the family, at work, and in society.” It’s easier to achieve these goals while you are being led by counselors and held accountable for your behaviors throughout the drug addiction rehab program, but, what happens after rehab is up to you.
We can help you find treatment for addiction. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? toll free anytime.
The Four Dimensions of Recovery
There are many things you can do to maintain your recovery after addiction treatment.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines the term “recovery” as a “process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.” To do this, the SAMHSA has identified four dimensions of recovery from substance abuse including:
Health: overcoming or managing one’s disease(s) or symptoms—for example, abstaining from use of alcohol, illicit drugs, and nonprescribed medications if one has an addiction problem—and for everyone in recovery, making informed, healthy choices that support physical and emotional well-being;
Home: having a stable and safe place to live;
Purpose: participating in meaningful daily activities, such as a job, school, volunteerism, family caretaking, or creative endeavors, and having the independence, income, and resources to participate in society; and
Community: engaging in relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love, and hope.
Dealing with Cravings after Drug Addiction Rehab
You learn, in drug addiction rehab, to identify areas of your life that may “trigger” cravings and how to avoid those issues, but, that doesn’t mean cravings won’t appear on their own without ever consciously thinking about the drugs. Any psychoactive drug that has the ability to make you feel good or get “high” interacts with dopamine receptors and the reward centers of the brain to cause “conditioned cravings” as a reinforcing mechanism to repeat the use of those drugs.
It is important to have a strategy in place to deal with cravings when they arise and to have a plan in case of relapse. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing, brain disease that, while treatable, is almost never cured and you must stay vigilant in your recovery motivations. Relapse is likely for some and should not be viewed as failure, but, recognized as a need for reinvested or intensified recovery efforts.
Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? toll free anytime for help finding treatment for addiction.
Dealing with Ongoing Issues
Most addicts suffer insomnia, depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders as a result of their addiction and in some, it’s an underlying cause. These issues can be uncovered and treated in the drug addiction rehab, but, once you are on your own, the residual effects can remain harmful for a long time or get worse as you face continuous challenges to remain abstinent.
The changes in your life to remain drug-free can be frightening and stressful in and of themselves. Outside of professional help, family and community support systems such as those found in 12-step recovery groups are advocated for positivity, encouragement, and guidance in your continuing progress.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, inpatient and outpatient rehab are the key types of treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. There are some things that you need to consider before entering a rehab center. It is a serious decision and should not be taken lightly. 1. What do you Expect to get….
Free inpatient rehab centers do exist and can be exactly what many individuals are looking for who otherwise would not have been able to attend rehab because of the cost. But are free inpatient rehab centers worth the wait? Are the Waits for Free Rehab Centers Long? According to SAMHSA, only four percent of the….
For those seeking treatment for addiction, they may find many obstacles that make it difficult to return to a sense of normalcy. In the work place, addiction can result in termination of employment. It can also be incredibly difficult to find employment while in recovery when employers learn of a potential candidate’s history of addiction…..
Drug rehab pricing varies from one rehab center to the next. Many drug rehab centers are by far too expensive for the average individual to pay for, especially once addiction has already set in and the person has hit rock bottom. Depending on the type of drug rehab services that you seek as well as….
When seeking the best possible recovery options for addiction, you or your loved one will want to find a treatment option that is well-suited to your personal situation and recovery preferences, and will also be effective in helping you sustain your recovery. How can you know what to look for when checking out all of….
The Family Support Navigator Program is a new option for individuals in Corning, New York for addiction treatment. This outreach program doesn’t just help addicts, though; it is also focused on helping the family members of addicted individuals navigate the process of recovery as well as their feelings toward their loved one’s addiction. The program….
Michal Tibbetts, a 23-year old Massachusetts resident, was arrested Wednesday, March 21, 2018. He is faced with the charges of assaulting a child a running a drug manufacturing and trafficking organization out of his home in South Shore, which together, total 9 counts. The drugs he was distributing include marijuana, ecstasy, molly, Adderall, and potentially….
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