When looking for inpatient rehab centers, make sure to find one that will meet your needs.
If you or a loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol, inpatient rehab may be the best choice when it comes to treatment. Not all inpatient rehab centers are created equal and there are many questions you will want to ask and consider prior to choosing an inpatient rehab center. Here’s a look at what you will want to ask before you make a final decision.
First, is the inpatient rehab center accredited and qualified to provide the treatment that you need? This is absolutely necessary to know because a rehab center that is not qualified to provide treatment or one that cannot provide you with the exact treatment that you need could leave you feeling worse than you do now.
Next, is the inpatient rehab close to home or far away? For some people it’s best to be close to home where they can receive visits from their family members. This is especially true when there are young children involved or when there are supportive family members who are not also using drugs or alcohol. For others, it’s best to stay far away from where they live because there are too many poor ties in the area. You’ll want to consider all of this prior to making a treatment decision.
Third, is the inpatient rehab center over crowded? Some rehab centers take on far too many patients to provide rounded and effective treatment to everyone. The result is that many patients suffer and do not receive adequate treatment and care. Ask how many staff members there are to patients and also ask exactly how many therapists and counselors there are on staff to determine the ratio and get a better idea of how much interaction and one on one support you will receive.
Finally, is the inpatient rehab center effective? Of course if you ask the director they will say YES. The way you will know if a program is effective is by asking how many people return to the facility for treatment in the following 6 months, 12 months or 2 years. If there is a high number of returns than you can consider that the program is not as effective as maybe it should be. Also, ask about the length of time that the program lasts. If the program is less than 3 months (90 days) then you might want to look at other options. Studies show that effective alcohol or drug rehab typically lasts at least 90 days or more.
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