Tips For Coping With Traumatic Events Without Relapsing
Relapses are unfortunately a large part of addiction and may happen despite our best efforts. They can sneak up on you, and determining if an event is going to trigger a relapse can be a daunting task. Experiencing a traumatic event can often be one of the biggest ways a person can relapse back into addiction.
Knowing how to properly cope with a traumatic event can help you prevent you or a loved one from relapsing. If a relapse does occur, please call 888-646-0635Who Answers? for help and to learn about what treatment approaches are available.
Recognize Triggers & Cravings
It can be difficult to tell when a relapse is about to happen, but there are usually signs preceding one. During treatment, your triggers were probably analyzed and addressed, although you might have already had an idea of what they were.
According to the NIDA, there are a lot of factors that can trigger a relapse and excessive stress, like what would occur as result of a traumatic event, is usually one of the biggest contributing factors. When a traumatic event happens, pay attention to how your mind and body responds to the situation and look for any signs of cravings.
Boost Recovery Efforts
Seeing a therapist after a traumatic incident can help prevent relapse.
In the event of a traumatic experience, you should still continue with your treatment and recovery plan. It’s completely okay to talk with those in your support system about a traumatic event that is affecting you. Most therapy programs that focus on addiction are trained to handle a wide range of stressors that can trigger relapses, including trauma.
Talk with your sponsor, therapist, or anyone else in your support system and let yourself vent out your emotions.
Pay Attention To Your Health
Traumatic experiences can have a physical effect on a person, even if the event did not result in any bodily harm. The DEA states that addiction changes your physical and mental chemistry, so even if you experienced a similar traumatic event before your addiction, there is a strong chance that you might respond to it differently.
Paying attention to your overall health following a traumatic experience can help protect you from a relapse or from giving into cravings. Trauma can be physically exhausting and emotionally draining, which can cause your defenses to lower.
Many people do not know how to respond to a traumatic event, which can lead to a lot of problems for themselves and their loved ones. As a recovering addict, it is best to have some kind of strategy in place on the chance that something happens.
While addiction is best handled by focusing one day at a time, it can be greatly beneficial to have a plan for certain scenarios, even if there isn’t a possibility of them happening. Keep your loved ones and your support system in the loop about the plan, so they are prepared in case it needs to be put into action.
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, know that help is available. Please call 888-646-0635Who Answers? for more information on what your options are and for more information about treatment and recovery.
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