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How Addiction Treatment Programs Change Lives

Addiction is a chronic and relapsing brain disease which the NIDA describes “as a complex disorder that can involve virtually every aspect of an individual’s functioning—in the family, at work and school, and in the community.” Once a person becomes addicted to a substance such as alcohol or drugs, their lives become vicious cycles of cravings, searches, intoxications, and withdrawals that keep them from living a healthy, satisfying, and productive life.

In order for any recovery to be successful, the addict’s life must change. Addiction treatment programs are tasked with helping them to do so by addressing the complex interplays of physical, psychological, emotional, social, environmental, and other variables that affect the addict’s ability to stop using drugs or alcohol and remain abstinent. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines the term “recovery” as a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.”

We can help you find treatment for addiction. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? toll free anytime.

Improving Health and Wellness

rehab benefits

Rehab programs help people develop healthy lifestyle habits and avoid poor decisions.

Addiction takes its toll on the person’s health in various ways with identifiable signs and symptoms that affect various organ systems. Dependence inevitably leads to withdrawals when the person stops using the substance and underlying health problems can steer a person toward using a substance to avoid unwanted or problematic conditions.

Addiction treatment programs improve the addict’s health by helping them to detox from substances in a safe, controlled manner that eliminates the distress of withdrawals promoting entry to treatment for long-term abstinence. At the same time, the addiction treatment programs change lives by focusing on the improvements of co-occurring medical and psychiatric conditions that have been caused or are exacerbated by the addiction.

Living a Self-Directed Life

Learning to cope with addiction, identifying and avoiding “triggers” that perpetuate substance abuse and getting the appropriate help, when and where needed is crucial to a successful recovery outcome. According to the SAMHSA, “Because substance use often impacts multiple aspects of an individual’s life, clients often enter treatment with housing issues, employment problems, and damaged family or social relationships.”

Addiction treatment programs help addicts live a self-directed life by combining education, guidance, and support with counseling, behavioral therapies, and resources or referrals to agencies that help them to address their many psychosocial needs so they can be in control and not the substance.

For help finding treatment call 888-646-0635Who Answers? toll free anytime.

Striving to Reach Full Potentials

Altered brain functions and neurotransmitter disruptions can cause a wide range of physical, psychological, and emotional upheavals or impairments that reduce the person’s “normal” functioning capacity while inhibiting motivations and goals. Addiction treatment programs change lives by helping addicts to restructure their lives without substance abuse so they can strive to reach their full potentials.

According to the SAMHSA, purpose is one of four dimensions of recovery which includes; heath, home, purpose, and community. Purpose is “participating in meaningful daily activities, such as a job, school, volunteerism, family caretaking, or creative endeavors, and having the independence, income, and resources to participate in society.”

More Rehab Centers Resources

Do Free Inpatient Rehab Centers Exist?

Some individuals truly need inpatient care for one reason or another, but since these programs are generally more expensive than outpatient centers, they sometimes do not attend the programs they require. In actuality, there are inpatient and residential treatment programs that do provide low-cost and even free care to patients who need it. How Many….

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What to Expect During Your First Month in Drug Rehab

Drug rehab during the first month can be the hardest part of recovery.

If you are thinking about going into drug rehab to seek help for addiction, you are probably wondering what the first days or weeks of drug rehab will be like. What can you expect to see, do or feel during the first month of drug rehab and how will it affect your overall recovery from….

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Will an Intervention Help my Teen into Drug Rehab?

Parents well know how the physical changes characteristic of the teenage years affect their teens from day to day. For many teens, making this transition from childhood to adulthood can feel like walking a tightrope with no safety net in tow. Today’s teenagers contend with issues and pressures unlike any faced by previous generations. Unfortunately,….

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Importance of Trust Building in Drug Rehab Centers

trust building

Trust building for patients in drug rehab centers is an important exercise; patients must learn to trust those around them in treatment (such as doctors, nurses, and therapists) as well as sometimes re-learning to trust their family and friends. In addition, patients must learn the importance of honesty so others can begin to trust them…..

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Rehab Centers Welcomes Pennsylvania Brain Injury Rehab Center Success Rehabilitation to the Network

Success Rehabilitation may be the treatment you need to recover from your addiction!

Success Rehabilitation and Rehab Centers have joined forces to provide greater access to rehabilitation for Pennsylvania area survivors of traumatic brain injuries and neurological impairment. Rehab Centers specializes in providing access to rehabilitation services and rehab centers throughout the United States. Success Rehabilitation of Pennsylvania recently partnered with Rehab Centers to increase awareness about rehabilitation….

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5 Sure Signs You Need Prescription Drug Rehab

treatment for drug addiction

Many people don’t understand the seriousness of prescription drug abuse for one very simple reason: they believe these drugs to be 100 percent safe. While it is true that these are safe to take under the eye of a medical professional, there is always the possibility of abuse and addiction. Just the same as street….

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How do You Know When You Need Rehab for Internet Addiction?

Despite the American Psychological Association’s doubts that internet addiction can be considered an actual addiction there are points that an obsession with the internet fits the definition. The persistent and compulsive use of the internet to the determent of a person’s life or livelihood definitely exists. Many people report that the internet has ruined their….

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Are There Christian Rehab Centers for Teens?

The teenage years can be one of the most difficult periods in a person’s life. Teens struggling with alcohol and drug abuse issues have an especially hard time finding their way. Watching a teen fade away while addiction takes over his or her personality can quickly drain the life out of a family. According to….

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Teen Centered Rehab Centers

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, many children begin to use drugs as early as the age of 12. Most of these children try drugs once or twice and then leave them alone. Unfortunately, as teen experimentation continues to increase the need for teen centered rehab centers also increases. There are several types….

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Tips for Choosing Local Rehab Centers

rehab from addiction

Patients who are treated at local rehab centers undergo their rehabilitation in a safe environment that is in close proximity to their friends and family making them feel a little more at ease. For the recovering addict, there is a sense of ease knowing their surroundings, not that they are home but in an area….

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