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4 Ways to Go to Executive Drug Rehab without Ruining your Career

Everyone knows the stereotype of the people who go to drug rehab. They’re junkies. They’re unclean. They live on the streets, they prostitute, and they don’t care about anything but themselves. That’s who people think of when they think of drug rehab. Yet, that’s not the case.

Addiction doesn’t have biases and there are thousands of educated, high-powered professionals who find themselves dependent on drugs and alcohol. These individuals have worked hard to get where they are in life and that’s part of the problem when it comes to seeking treatment. Because of the stigma associated with addiction, it can be hard to know how to go to a drug rehab center and not hurt your career.

If you’re looking for an executive drug rehab center that can meet your professional needs as well as your personal ones, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today to learn more about our program.

Be Honest

Executive Drug Rehab

Executive drug rehabs offer work space so professionals can get work done while in recovery.

Even if you’re totally in control at work, there’s little doubt that your job hasn’t been impacted by your addiction. And chances are your boss and coworkers already have an idea that drugs or alcohol may be a problem. But you know what, you bust your butt at work and you’re great at what you do and everyone knows it. And they’re going to want you back and they understand that you’ll probably be even better.

Working from Rehab

While you need to focus on recovery when you’re in drug and alcohol treatment, executive rehab centers understand that for you to focus on getting better, you may have to take care of business. That’s why executive drug rehabs help you avoid more professional stress by working during non-treatment hours. These facilities offer work space and wifi, allowing you to telecommute via a laptop, tablet, or telephone.

Utilize Your Support

One of the benefits of working part-time while in addiction treatment, is it allows you to start rebuilding those relationships and utilizing your support while still in a safe and secure environment. Your coworkers can check in with you to see how things are going, and it opens up the opportunity for them to learn how and what they can do to help.

Understand Your Role

Just because you’re in control at work does not mean you’re in control of your addiction, and treatment at an executive drug rehab can realistically meet your expectations. Because these facilities offer amenities you’re used to, you don’t have to downgrade your lifestyle in an attempt to get sober. Executive rehab centers allow you to enjoy the luxuries and high standard of living you’re used to, while receiving the most advanced addiction treatment possible.

Treatment Saves Careers

Don’t let the stigma of addiction hold you back from seeking treatment. Those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol are MORE likely to keep their jobs when they go to a rehab center than those who choose to battle it out at home. And because you’re including your employer in the process, your chance of success improves. The highest rate of treatment completers are those referred to treatment by their employers. If you’re looking for an executive drug rehab that can meet your professional needs, call us today at 888-646-0635Who Answers? to learn about what our program can do for you.

How Can I Get Help and Attend Rehab if I Can’t Leave Work?

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