How Can I Get Help and Attend Rehab if I Can’t Leave Work?
Sometimes, leaving work in order to go to rehab may not seem like an option, but there are still ways you can receive the treatment you need without compromising your job. If you are looking for a safe, reliable rehab center, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? now; we will match you with the best option for your needs.
Outpatient Treatment as a Rehab Option
It is possible to be admitted to a rehab program in a professional treatment environment and still go to work every day. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, outpatient treatment allows individuals to attend classes and therapy sessions, receive medications, and consult with medical professionals without having to stay in a 24-hour facility. “Such treatment costs less than residential or inpatient treatment and often is more suitable for people with jobs or extensive social supports.”

Outpatient rehab makes it possible to continue going to work.
However, this type of program isn’t right for everyone. Some people need inpatient or residential care, especially those with more intense addictions, those who suffer from co-occurring disorders, and those who do not have a strong social support system at home. It is important to find out which level of treatment you are likely to require before choosing one over the other.
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) exist in order to help individuals like you find the treatment they need through their workplace. This is an extremely beneficial option for some individuals, especially if you feel you will be unable to leave work to seek treatment. The most important thing is to be honest about what you require and to tell your employer exactly what you need and why instead of trying to hide the reasons for your absence.
Taking a Leave of Absence
Though it may not seem possible now, you should be able to take a leave of absence from any job if you require it as the best option for your recovery. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, addiction is considered a disability, which an employer is legally obligated to work with you on in order for you to receive the treatment you need.
You may not feel that you can leave work, but this could possibly be the best and safest option for you at this time. Therefore, it is important to try to work something out with your employer. As another option, you may be able to find a specific residential treatment center that allows designated times during the day for work. This could allow you to work something out with your employer if you need inpatient care but still have to check in with work periodically.
Seek Treatment for Addiction Today
Drug addiction is serious, and sometimes, treatment needs to come before everything, even your career. Your health is the most important thing, and your employer as well as the other important individuals in your life should understand this. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today to find a rehab center where you can recover from substance abuse, and learn more about how you can do so in the safest way for your needs.
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