How Can I Get Help and Attend Rehab If I Can’t Leave School?
Sometimes, attending rehab means taking leave from school and other responsibilities. However, there are ways that you can still attend classes while in professional treatment for addiction. Reliable rehab centers are available; call 888-646-0635Who Answers? to find the best fit for your needs.
School is a Resource
It is important to remember that your school can be an incredible resource for your treatment and recovery. Many individuals turn to their student unions, their on-campus counselors, their teachers, and other places for help with substance abuse. Just like workplaces are required to sponsor Employee Assistance Programs (National Institute on Drug Abuse), so too do many universities and even high schools offer help to students that is either government sanctioned or completely based within the school itself.
Outpatient Rehab Centers

Outpatient rehab programs allow you to continue going to school.
You may want to consider attending outpatient rehab, a program that offers classes, therapy sessions, and medications to patients who visit the center sometimes every day at first and then usually less as one’s recovery becomes stronger. This type of program can allow you to schedule your classes around your treatment or vice-versa, and you will not have to stay in a controlled environment where you won’t be able to attend school.
However, it is always important to ask yourself if you may need a more intensive treatment option than outpatient care can provide. According to the medical journal Psychiatric Quarterly, “Patients with low psychiatric severity and/or a good social support system may do well as outpatients,” but those who lack social supports or suffer from co-morbid disorders sometimes require more comprehensive treatment.
Work with Your School
Under certain circumstances, you may still be able to attend school while staying in a residential rehab center. The best step to take is to discuss your situation honestly with a school-based counselor or someone else on campus with experience in this area. As addiction is considered to be a type of disability, it is important for your school to work with your needs under these circumstances.
Certain facilities do offer designated times to patients where they can use computers or communicate with others outside the center in order to get their work done. Sometimes, though, a compromise cannot be worked out. You may simply need to take time off school, even if you do not want to. Going to school can add unneeded stress to your life at a time when you are most vulnerable, so it is very important to consider what you need from your recovery and then to work with your school counselors, teachers, and administrators to find a common ground.
Find Reliable Rehab Programs Today
The most important thing at this time is your health and well-being. As a student and a recovering addict, it is necessary to seek the best recovery option for your needs and to make sure the other aspects of your life can work with it. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today to find the most beneficial rehab programs available and to be matched with the best option for your needs.