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Who Needs a Controlled Environment for Addiction Treatment?

Many different types of rehab centers exist: some provide a more lax environment from which patients are able to come and go every day while others provide a more restrictive environment where patients stay at the facility and are very scheduled throughout the day. As such, it is sometimes difficult to know which individuals need a controlled environment for addiction treatment.

The Benefits of a Controlled Rehab Experience

severe addiction

Those with a severe addiction should be in a controlled environment.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services describes how certain individuals may require the kind of “supervision and intensity of services which can only be found in the controlled environment of [a] hospital,” inpatient care center, or residential treatment facility. This type of experience can be beneficial in many ways, as attending treatment in a controlled environment can often

  • Be safer for both the addict and their loved ones
  • Allow the addict to focus on their recovery more easily
  • Be more conducive to preventing relapse during the early stages of recovery
  • Allow for easier patient care

Choosing treatment in a controlled environment can be very beneficial for the addict, their family, and the clinicians who treat the individual in many cases, but someone who does not need inpatient or residential addiction treatment should not necessarily attend it, as these benefits may not then apply. Instead, it is important to consider the individual’s needs.

Addicts in Need of a Controlled Environment

Some addicts will seriously struggle if they are not able to attend treatment in the type of controlled environment they require. Some individuals need it more than others, and in certain cases, a strong social support system or another beneficial circumstance can minimize an individual’s need for this type of treatment. Generally, though, the factors below will all likely increase an individual’s need for inpatient care.

  • Comorbidity: If an individual has a serious mental disorder or illness, or even a physical issue that keeps them in need of constant care in addition to their addiction, treatment in a controlled environment will often be necessary. Those with co-occurring addictions and mental disorders sometimes struggle with the desire to hurt themselves or others, and being in a treatment center where they have access to 24-hour care and surveillance can be much safer for them. In addition, those who need 24-hour nursing care should also attend inpatient or residential treatment.
  • Lack of Social Support: Those who do not have a strong support system at home may want to attend a program in a controlled environment where they are not left alone for long periods of time. This can minimize the chance of relapse. Also rehab centers that provide a controlled environment often utilize resocialization, a treatment technique where everyone around the individual becomes part of their recovery.
  • Severe addiction: Those who are concerned that their addiction is severe enough to create a high chance of relapse, especially in the fragile beginning stages of recovery, may also benefit from treatment in a controlled environment. This takes the possibility of relapse out of the equation for a time.

Are You Looking for a Treatment Facility that Provides a Controlled Environment?

Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today. We can help you find the rehab center that best fits your needs and provides an environment that will be conducive to your recovery.

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