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How Local Detox Centers Can Get You On the Right Path

Detox is often the first part of a long-term, effective treatment program for individuals who become addicted to drugs. While it isn’t always necessary (and it certainly isn’t the only component to addiction treatment by far), detox is used at the beginning of many rehab programs for a reason. In addition, patients who attend detox at a local center are able to receive many benefits and take many positive steps in ways other individuals who choose to go through withdrawal alone miss out on. Local detox centers can get you on the right path toward addiction treatment, abstinence, and your eventual recovery.

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Detox as the First Step

According to the NIDA, “Detoxification is the process of allowing the body to rid itself of a drug while managing the symptoms of withdrawal.” In certain cases, patients are weaned off the medication slowly in order to lessen their withdrawal symptoms. In others, patients’ symptoms are managed with other medications.

Detox is often the first step in the addiction treatment process because withdrawal quickly follows when a person stops abusing drugs. These symptoms often need to be minimized before the individual’s actual addiction is able to be treated. Still, detox should be “followed by treatment with a behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication, if available.” When the program is used alone without additional treatment, it is not a conducive to recovery.

Many people skip detox and move straight into addiction treatment. But for some, the former can be an extremely important first step.

Why Choose a Detox Center Over At-Home Detox?

detox from drugs

Local detox treatment can provide you with a comfortable and safe place to begin your journey to addiction recovery.

Choosing to go through withdrawal with the help of a detox center often causes a better outcome than attempting to undergo at-home detox. There are many reasons why this program is beneficial, including:

  • Relapse prevention 
    • Withdrawal is one of the most likely times for a person to relapse back to drug abuse. Because the individual is often experiencing an intense amount of pain, discomfort, anxiety, depression, and/or other difficult side effects, they will be tempted to turn back to the drug. With the help of a professional detox program, patients can better avoid the possibility of relapse.
  • Transitional treatment 
    • Individuals who attend detox are strongly advised to continue addiction treatment. This is because, as mentioned earlier, detox alone is not a treatment for addiction. However, patients who are already attending a clinical or professional program to help them through withdrawal are often more likely to move into addiction treatment afterward. Clinicians in these facilities can also make the transition much easier by helping a patient find a rehab facility that is right for them.
  • Avoiding the dangers of certain withdrawal symptoms 
    • In some cases, the withdrawal symptoms caused by certain drugs can be dangerous, even life-threatening. For example, severe alcohol withdrawal, according to the NLM, can sometimes lead to a condition called delirium tremens which is “a medical emergency.” It consists of hallucinations, seizures, and intense fear. Withdrawal from stimulants can also trigger a psychosis which includes hallucinations, paranoia, and violent behavior. Many individuals going through other types of withdrawal also may become extremely depressed, causing them to experience suicidal thoughts.
    • For these individuals, attending detox in a professional, medical center is necessary so that dangerous consequences can be avoided. Withdrawal can be volatile, especially in the case of certain drugs, and it can sometimes become dangerous before the individual realizes they need help.

Both inpatient and outpatient detox centers exist, and individuals can choose one or the other based on the severity of their condition. In either case, attending a detox program is much safer and often more effective than attempting to go through withdrawal on one’s own. It also helps patients avoid relapse and helps them get on the best path toward recovery by transitioning them into addiction treatment after withdrawal symptoms subside.

Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? toll free for help finding detox treatment and rehab today.

Why Choose a Local Facility Over a Remote One?

Many individuals feel the need to attend a detox facility that is far away. Unless there is a specific reason why it is not safe for someone to stay close to home, local facilities often make it easier for patients to stay on the right path and achieve a stronger recovery.

  • Reduced cost
    • Addiction treatment can be expensive. However, individuals who stay close to home save a large amount of money by cutting or completely eliminating travel costs. This will make a large difference in your overall recovery, as you will leave your detox program and be able to afford further treatment as well as other necessities like food and rent.
  • Local resources for finding local treatment 
    • It is also sometimes easier to find more treatment options close to home. Individuals who hope to attend a detox program can ask about the best local and low-cost facilities at free clinics, government offices, outreach centers, and other institutions close to home. Even a personal physician is a great resource for finding treatment. In addition, your doctor knows your needs so they will be better able to help you find a facility that fits them.
  • Social support systems
    • Leaving home for treatment can often mean leaving behind one of the most important aspects of your recovery: your friends, family, and loved ones. By staying local, you can continue interacting with these individuals. If you are attending outpatient detox, you can stay with people you trust who will support you during this difficult time, and if you decide to attend inpatient treatment, you can be visited by these same individuals who will encourage you to keep working on your recovery. Leaving home for detox treatment can make it harder to connect with your loved ones who can often keep you from giving up on your recovery and your detox in the times where it becomes most difficult.

In many ways, local detox centers can help you start and stay on the right path toward your recovery and a better life. Building a strong recovery takes time, but you will need to start somewhere. According to SAMHSA, “detoxification seeks to minimize the physical harm caused by the abuse of substances,” making it easier and safer for you to stop abusing drugs. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? toll free for help finding treatment anytime.

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