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Aetna Drug Rehab Coverage for Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine abuse rapidly turns to addiction, and without the help of a professional treatment program, it is almost impossible to put a stop to one’s dangerous abuse of this substance. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? now to find rehab programs that offer safe, reliable treatment for cocaine addiction.

Is Professional Treatment Necessary for Cocaine Addiction?

Cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs available, and those who abuse it often require intensive, long-term treatment in order to stop. The drug can cause a number of severe medical issues as well as an intense withdrawal syndrome that “is as strong as other types of withdrawal, or even stronger,” according to the National Library of Medicine.

Without professional rehab, an individual is much more likely to relapse back to cocaine abuse because of their severe withdrawal symptoms and their lack of coping skills, which can be learned in treatment.

What Does Aetna Offer for Cocaine Addiction Treatment?

Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Aetna insurance may help cover luxury rehab costs.

Aetna Insurance will help pay for part or all of your treatment program for cocaine addiction, which will help you begin a safe and successful recovery. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Most people who get into and remain in treatment stop using drugs, decrease their criminal activity, and improve their occupational, social, and psychological functioning.” Aetna can help make this life a reality by minimizing your out-of-pocket costs and making treatment more affordable.

Does Aetna Cover Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment?

Yes, Aetna covers all or part of the cost of either type of treatment program, and your choice of facility should depend on the severity of your condition. If you

  • Suffer from co-occurring mental disorders like depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.
  • Lack a stable home environment
  • Do not have a strong social support system
  • Feel unsafe in your home
  • Suffer from a severe medical condition caused by your cocaine abuse

it is likely much safer for you to choose an inpatient program. The amount Aetna will cover will depend largely on your particular plan and the specific facility you choose, but most 30, 60, and 90-day programs will be at least partially if not fully covered. Longer programs are sometimes covered as well.

Does Aetna Cover Luxury Rehab Programs?

Aetna does cover luxury rehab programs, depending on the facility and whether or not it will accept the insurance itself. Luxury options can be extremely beneficial to those in certain situations where comfort and relaxation are especially important to recovery.

Because cocaine causes such a severe withdrawal syndrome and many individuals struggle with feelings of depression or irritability during recovery, being in a soothing, relaxing environment can be very beneficial.

What Portion of My Treatment Will Aetna Cover?

Your particular situation as well as the plan and facility you choose will largely determine the portion of your treatment that Aetna will cover. Even if you do have to pay for some of the program out-of-pocket, you can finance your payments in order to attend the program you need.

It is very important that you choose the right rehab facility as well as the program you require for a full and safe recovery. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? now to find this program and to learn more about your insurance and payment options with Aetna.

Treatment Offered at Cocaine Rehab Centers

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