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What You Must Know About the Counselors at Drug Rehab Centers

Drug Rehab Centers counselors are there to help you, not judge you.

Drug Rehab Centers counselors are there to help you, not judge you.

When you enter drug rehab you will spend a lot of time with your drug counselor so it’s important that you understand who they are and how they can help you. If you don’t feel comfortable with your drug counselor than you won’t be able to get the most out of your treatment and therefore it’s very important to your successful completion of drug rehab that you know your counselor and you feel comfortable talking with them.

You Counselor is Your Guide

Great drug rehab counselors will not force you into working a certain avenue or thought for recovery but they will guide you along the way. You drug counselor is your guide not your director. They have certain methods of treatment and ideas that could help you but they should only guide you in the right direction and then allow you to make decisions on how you will use the guidance that is provided. If your drug counselor forces their program onto you or forces the treatment methodologies on you then you should probably seek another counselor.

Your Counselor is Your Friend

At times, you might feel like your drug counselor is being to hard on you or too tough but in all actuality, good drug counselors are friendly and nice but when they need to be tough they are. Good drug counselors cannot be overtaken or pushed over to do what you want but they are there for you to confide in and to work with through the recovery process. If you think that your counselor is being too tough, consider what they are being tough about and look at their point of view, you’ll likely realize that they are just guiding you in the right direction again to prevent you from relapsing.

Your Counselor Should Know Your Situation

The best drug counselors are skilled at treating the people that they work with, meaning that your drug counselor should be knowledgeable in treating men if you are a man, women if you are a woman, teens if your are a teen, etc. Men and women respond differently to treatment and require different counseling modalities in order to successfully overcome addiction and therefore they must be treated by a counselor who understands them individually. Teens respond differently than adult so teens require treatment from counselors who are educated in treating teen addiction.

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