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Understanding 12 Step Alcohol Rehab Centers

Alcohol rehab centers offer 12 step programs to help you overcome your addiction!

Alcohol rehab centers offer 12 step programs to help you overcome your addiction!

For those suffering from alcohol addiction, 12 step alcohol rehab centers can help to rebuild faith and trust in one’s self, heal the spirit and providing the right level of treatment and counseling to ensure a recovery from addiction. The 12-step program is one of the oldest forms of alcohol treatment, coined by Alcoholic’s Anonymous back in 1935. Since then, alcohol rehab centers have adapted the program to meet the needs of those in recovery both in an inpatient rehab center and in outpatient rehab centers.

Twelve step rehab centers focus every aspect of the recovery process around the 12-steps of Alcoholic’s Anonymous.

The basic principles of the 12-steps include:

  • Admitting that an individual is powerless in the face of addiction
  • Recognizing a higher power that can help to restore the proper doing of the individual
  • Turning the life over to the hands of the higher power
  • Reviewing and reflecting on life, and making amends for errors made in the past
  • Helping others work towards recovery

12-step rehab centers are important for individuals recovering from alcohol addiction and can provide a significant level of support and care for those in need. While 12-step rehab centers are helpful for thousands of individuals in recovery there are some things you will need to consider prior to seeking the help of a 12-step recovery process:

  • First, if you don’t believe in a higher power such as God or another spiritual being then you will have difficulty following the guiding principles of the 12-steps
  • If you are not ready to accept that you have a problem and you are powerless against that problem then you may have some trouble. Some people feel like they have to be in control and do better when faced with a treatment philosophy that basis the treatment on the individual being in control – and that’s fine but it won’t work with the 12 step alcohol rehabilitation program.

Many alcohol rehab centers use a combination of the 12-step approach to recovery as well as various other treatment options to ensure the recovery from alcohol addiction for its patients. Some of the most common treatments you can expect to find in a 12-step rehab center include holistic treatments, acupuncture, yoga and meditation. Counseling and therapy are also emphasized in the rehabilitation process.

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