Questions You Must Ask To Determine if You are Ready for Alcohol Rehab
Don’t be afraid to ask your alcohol rehab program questions.
While it is not 100% necessary for an individual to be “ready” for rehab in order for them to make a full recovery from alcohol addiction, the treatment process can sometimes be fast tracked just a little bit when the addict actually wants to be helped. In order to determine if you have a problem and also if you are actually ready for alcohol rehab you must ask yourself the following questions:
Do I have an alcohol problem?
While you may think at first that the answer to this question is no, consider the following truths of the situation: If you have ever had a DUI, have been arrested as a result of getting in trouble while drinking, have taken part in dangerous or promiscuous activities when drinking or have suffered any type of relationship problems when drinking and you continue to drink then you have a problem with alcohol! Overcoming the denial that you have regarding your alcohol addiction is the first step to being ready for alcohol rehab.
Am I ready to quit drinking or do I want to?
So, you’ve determined that you have a problem with alcohol, the next step to determining if you are ready for alcohol rehab is to determine if you are ready to quit or if you even want to quit drinking. Ask yourself this question (and answer it truthfully): If I am ready to stop drinking, can I do it right now—no if’s ands or buts? When you go into alcohol rehab it will be time to completely stop drinking, not time to just cut things back a bit.
Is this the time to quit drinking?
If you have a problem with alcohol addiction then there’s a chance that you will come up with an excuse as to why now is not the time to quit drinking. If you think you can stop anytime and you have already determined that you do have a problem because you’ve gotten in trouble or otherwise made the decision that it’s time to stop then there are no more excuses. When you are ready for alcohol rehab you have to make the decision to stop drinking now!
Are you ready to come up with a plan for sobriety?
When you enter alcohol rehab they will work with you to come up with a plan for your sobriety. It’s important that you make the decision to stop drinking, not to drink anymore and to follow your recovery or sobriety plan closely. Make sure you have a plan for your sobriety and if you don’t already have one, make sure that you listen closely when you enter alcohol rehab because this is where you will get the help that you need to overcome this addiction.
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