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Major Considerations to Make When Choosing a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Program

Drug and alcohol rehab programs can differ in many ways and at the same time, your needs, goals, and circumstances will be different, too. No single program or approach has been proven better than the rest for everyone, but, by considering those things that are most important to you, you will be able to choose a program that is most suitable to your needs.

rehab for drugs

There are many rehab options available, though some are better than others.

Addiction Characteristics

The first major consideration to make when choosing a drug and alcohol rehab is how much control your addiction has over you. If you are a chronic substance abuser, a poly-substance abuser, have been using a long time, have co-existing physical or mental health concerns, or a history of relapses, a residential or inpatient alcohol rehab would be recommended.

Inpatient versus Outpatient

Inpatient and Outpatient rehabs differ in that inpatient rehabs provide around the clock support and guidance with immediate access to trained professionals who can ensure your greatest comfort, safety, and stability. They, generally, have a higher degree of intensified treatment and specialized care with program durations of 28 days or more which removes the patient from outside distractions while focusing on their recovery.

Outpatient rehabs can be highly effective for those with a strong support network at home and who have little or no history of relapse or other co-existing conditions that would impede their recovery efforts.


Cost is always a major consideration and according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, based on data from 2010 – 2013, some of the most common reasons for people who felt a need for treatment, but, did not get it were; no health coverage or couldn’t afford the cost, unsure if treatment was covered under their policy, or their policy did not cover treatment.

Beginning in 2014, The Affordable Care Act establishes substance abuse and mental health as an Essential Health Benefit and treatment coverage has been expanded substantially.

Most rehabs will offer payment assistance in one way or another and some programs are state or charitably funded reducing their costs or providing services free.


It may not matter as much in an inpatient program, but, if you plan to attend an outpatient program, location is an important consideration because travel for counseling, meetings, and other obligations can become burdensome if distances are too far away. Consider the costs to family and others who may be involve in your recovery as well. You want to choose a rehab program that you can comfortably participate in and minimizing travel costs can help.

Treatment Approaches

What you like or dislike can be a major factor in determining your engagement and retention in the rehab program and so it is important that you explore the various options. Some programs may be more spiritual in nature and others may be holistic or have an alternative approach. It’s your recovery, you decide.

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