Addiction is hard enough to beat, but when you believe the myths surrounding it, it’s even harder. Here are five addiction myths that hold you back and the truth that can set you free. Myth 1: You Can Control It No matter how much you try, you can’t control your addiction. The old adage, “One….
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It doesn’t matter if you are seeking help for yourself or a loved one, you understand that a prescription drug addiction is serious business. You realize that this could worsen over time, which is why you are seeking assistance right now. Here is the good thing: there are many rehabs for prescription drug addiction. This….
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For years, there has been a debate on whether or not there are similarities between food and drug addiction. However, studies have shown that both addictions have similar characteristics. There are many ways a food addiction and drug addiction are alike. Reward System in the Brain The most relevant similarity between these two addictions is….
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Many people often associate drug usage with violence. It can be quite understandable as many illegal drugs can have strange effects on a person and may cause them to resort to violence in order to obtain the drug. Violence As A Direct Response It is stressed by many organizations, like the NIDA, that drugs have….
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If you or a loved one are going through the struggles of drug addiction, this can be a very confusing and complicated time. It can be particularly severe if the addict is also facing a mental health issue as well, as the two together can present extra challenges and potential risks. What is Comorbidity? Comorbidity….
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Addiction of any kind can be costly for everyone involved: the person with the addiction, their family, friends, and the entire community. The NIDA estimates that substance abuse cost the United States upwards of $700 billion every year, with around $200 billion going towards healthcare alone. It is safe to say that drug abuse definitely….
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Anyone who has a loved one struggling with drug addiction well knows how the effects of drugs can change a person in fundamental ways. Addictive substances exert their effects within the brain, causing gradual changes in a person’s physical and psychological makeup over time. In effect, someone living with an addict sees how a loved….
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Addiction, regardless of what the addiction is to, is a deeply psychologically based condition. The roots of addiction’s causes, beginnings, and overall control over a person often are based within the person’s mind. Even if the addiction requires a physical act and has a physical response, it is largely mental. Having an understanding of addiction’s….
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When you relapse, it feels devastating. You feel like a failure, like you’ve let everybody down. Your parents. Your children. Your friends. Family. Coworkers. AA members. You’ve always known you’re a failure and now you’ve proved it to everyone. STOP. That’s your addiction talking. Trying to woe you back into its grasp. You relapsed. So….
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You’ve made the decision. You’re going to rehab. You’ve told your wife. Your parents. You even sent an email to your boss, explaining that you’ll be gone for a month and that your MFLA paperwork is being processed. Your bags are packed and you’re ready to go. Except for one thing. You haven’t told any….
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Unless you’ve been in a cave since the mid-1980’s, you know that drug use, particularly IV drug use, is correlated with HIV and AIDS. But over the last decade, the immune-deficiency disease hasn’t got the limelight it once did and people may not understand the risks associated with drug use and HIV. HIV/AIDS Basics A….
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One of the most difficult things to do is watch a loved one kill themselves with drugs or alcohol. You beg and plead with them, asking them to seek treatment but they always go back to their addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, treatment does not have to be voluntary to work…..
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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there are a vast variety of treatments available for substance abuse problems. The hard part is not the treatment but watching a friend struggle with the challenges of drug abuse and addiction. Most people feel helpless to do anything for their friend. Fortunately, there are ways to….
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You might have heard the expression all addicts lie. This is true, all addicts due lie. One of the people that they lie to the most is themselves. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one of the characteristics of drug abuse is lying. It is very difficult to tell whether or not you….
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Outpatient opiate rehab centers exist as one of many levels of care within the addiction recovery process. Whether or not outpatient opiate addiction treatment will work for you depends on a range of factors, including the severity of your addiction, your existing support system and how motivated you are to get well. Addressing Effects of….
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