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Is Outpatient Opiate Rehab the Best Choice?

Outpatient opiate rehab centers exist as one of many levels of care within the addiction recovery process. Whether or not outpatient opiate addiction treatment will work for you depends on a range of factors, including the severity of your addiction, your existing support system and how motivated you are to get well.

Addressing Effects of Addiction

Outpatient rehab addresses the aftereffects of addiction on a person’s thinking and behaviors. These types of programs allow for considerable flexibility in terms of enabling you to schedule treatment around your current schedule. This can be either a good thing or a bad thing depending on your readiness for a flexible, unstructured treatment approach.


Outpatient Opiate Rehab

Someone with the motivation to recover may have success in outpatient rehab.

Before deciding whether an outpatient rehab program is right for you or someone you love, consider the following:

  • How long addiction has been present.
  • Whether there are other addictions or substance use issues present.
  • Whether there is a significant support system at home.
  • Whether treatment has been attempted in the past.
  • Whether the individual is fully motivated for recovery.

Although none of the above considerations will warrant a definitive YES or NO in terms of whether outpatient rehab is the right choice, they can help you to decide. For instance, if addiction has been present for a very long time, it’s likely that a residential treatment setting will be an ideal first step. Similarly, if treatment has been attempted in the past or if there is presence of dual diagnosis in which more than one condition must be treated, residential treatment is likely the best option to get started in recovery.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

If you’re not sure what the best option for recovery is for you or for a loved one, don’t be afraid to call 888-646-0635Who Answers? for help. We can answer the questions that you have about treatment options in your area, and while you’re on the phone we can also assess your needs to help you to decide whether to give outpatient rehab a try or if you should consider a period of time in a residential setting first.

Each patient and each case of addiction is different. The only sure way to know what’s right for you is to speak with a specialist about your individual needs and goals in recovery. We can connect you with a specialist who will help you every step of the way—all you have to do is call 888-646-0635Who Answers?.

Why Opiate Rehab is So Important

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