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About Marijuana and Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana addiction can lead to other problems!

Marijuana addiction can lead to other problems!

Marijuana is a plant that people smoke or eat in order to sustain the hallucinogenic effects that alter the sense of time, sound, touch and sight. Most people who use marijuana believe that it is not a dangerous drug nor that it has any type of addicting qualities but this is untrue. Marijuana use results in various short term and long term psychological and physical impairments including upper respiratory conditions, anxiety and even schizophrenia.

While many believe that marijuana addiction is not a big concern it becomes a big concern when the addiction results in loss of productivity at work, home or school, failed relationships or otherwise causes problems for the addict. Denial is very common with all addictions and for an individual who suffers from marijuana addiction this couldn’t be more true.

A Look at Marijuana Addiction

Although marijuana is not as physically addicting as some drugs such as heroin it does still have it’s negative consequences. Marijuana addiction may cause various psychological problems for the addict such as anxiety or schizophrenia. People who smoke marijuana also often show signs of paranoia when they are high or even sometimes as a result of not smoking marijuana.

If any of the following statements apply to you then you should seek treatment for marijuana addiction:

  • You need to smoke more than you used to in order to feel the same effects of the marijuana
  • You smoke more often despite recognizing problems that arise as a result of the marijuana use
  • You realize that there are consequences associated with the marijuana use but you continue to abuse the drug
  • You have tried to quit smoking marijuana but you just can’t
  • You feel sick, not hungry or “bad” when you don’t smoke marijuana

Marijuana Treatment at Drug Rehab Centers

Drug rehab centers will provide a range of treatment services for marijuana addiction. If you marijuana addiction has lead to anxiety or paranoia then these underlying mental or psychological conditions will also be addressed at the drug rehab center. Most drug rehab centers do provide dual diagnosis treatment and can help with both marijuana addiction and mental illness.

After detoxifying from the marijuana and there is no marijuana or the active chemical THC left in the body then the individual can begin counseling or therapy for the treatment of marijuana addiction. Most often, peer support groups will be introduced to the addict so that they can learn from others who share in their addiction. This type of group counseling offered at drug rehab centers helps addicts to learn new ways of coping with their addiction and with other problems in their life that may have resulted from the marijuana addiction or which may have led up to the marijuana addiction.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is also used to treat marijuana addiction. This type of therapy seeks to remove the behaviors that result in the use of drug and to change the way of thinking that cause the addict to believe that using marijuana is alright or acceptable. Drug rehab centers understand that many people who use marijuana do so as a result of trying to self medicate to treat other problems such as anxiety or depression. These underlying conditions will also be treated in conjunction with the treatment for marijuana addiction.

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