Meth addiction treatment can help you cope with withdrawal and learn to live a meth-free life.
Crystal meth causes a sudden rush of euphoric pleasure that can last for somewhere between six and twelve hours. Most people who become addicted to meth continue to use the drug because of the euphoria that it causes within the brain and partially because of a later desire to control the crash that results when coming off the drug. When addiction sets in, many will find that they need meth rehab in order to fully recover.
According to, âchronic abuse (of methamphetamine) can lead to psychotic behavior, including paranoia, insomnia, anxiety, extreme aggression, delusions and hallucinations, even death.â Research suggests that methamphetamine abuse can lead to long term damage to a usersâ cognitive abilities; this damage is not reversed when meth abuse stops. If you or someone you know is abusing methamphetamine on a regular basis, meth rehab may be your best chance at taking back control of your life.
Signs of Meth Addiction
A number of signs may arise that signify a methamphetamine problem. Chronic abuse of this drug can lead to physical and psychological elements of meth dependence which often require professional treatment and long term care in order to get sober. If you notice any of these signs of meth addiction, it may be time to seek professional help:
Continued use of meth despite consequences.
Dramatic and rapid deterioration of the appearance.
Meth mouth: broken, discolored or rotting teeth.
Acne, sores and adhesions on the face or on other areas of the body.
Disorganized lifestyle, acting irrationally or behaving oddly.
Changes in sleep patterns, staying awake for prolonged periods of time such as days or even weeks.
Who Needs Help?
If you or someone you know suffers from meth addiction, meth rehab may be your only surefire solution to the disease. Meth rehab will provide you with a safe place where you can recover from methamphetamine addiction while receiving psychological counseling and therapy to help restore your mind to its pre-meth addiction state. While even counseling and therapy cannot fully restore your mind or counteract the damage done by methamphetamine abuse, without such treatment, your chances of relapse are greatly increased.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, chronic meth abuse can lead to a number of brain changes, âsome of these brain changes persist long after methamphetamine use is stopped, although some may reverse after being off the drug for a sustained period (e.g., more than 1 year).â Meth rehab provides you with a safe place where you can adjust to life without meth and relearn how to act and interact socially. This all takes place while your brain heals and adjusts over the course of time.
While not everyone who becomes addicted to methamphetamine will need help, those who choose meth rehab have a greater chance of staying sober and suffering fewer instances of relapse than those who attempt recovery on their own.
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