Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the main therapeutic techniques in meth addiction treatment.
Meth addiction can cause permanent brain damage if the disease is left untreated. Most people addicted to meth do not realize the severity of their drug abuse behavior and many do not realize that there are effective ways of treating their meth addiction.
Meth Addiction and Treatment
According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research, methamphetamine is an extremely addictive and potent central nervous stimulant. Methamphetamine is also known as meth, crystal meth, glass, and ice. Meth is a Schedule II drug, and is an extremely powerful amphetamine. The effects of meth are long-lasting, and users have been known to stay awake for days on end during binges.
Meth is extremely potent and causes so much impairment to a person’s brain that a user can become addicted to the drug even after the first use. When a person takes meth they will feel invincible and abnormally happy. They may also feel a euphoric feeling that they have not experienced before, which makes them want to continue their drug abuse.
When a person continually abuses meth they will most likely develop an addiction to the drug and when this happens they will continue to go through a vicious cycle or extreme happiness and severe depression. This occurs because when a person is on meth their dopamine increases, which is part of their reward system in their brain. This increase causes a variety of pleasant feelings to occur. However, once the drug leaves their system, their dopamine will be depleted, meaning that they will feel extremely fatigued and depressed. These negative feelings cause people to continue to use meth so that they feel happy again, and then this cycle of ups and downs begins.
Although meth addiction is difficult for a person to overcome, there is treatment available, and since meth greatly impairs a user’s brain chemicals, it is of the utmost importance that a person deciding to stop using meth starts seeing a mental health professional and engaging in therapy.
Types of Therapy Used in Meth Rehab Centers
There a many different types of therapies available to people with a meth addiction. There is not one type of therapy that works for every meth addict, and a person may have to experience different types of therapies before they find one that works for them. Group therapy has been proven to help people feel more supported and understood when battling meth addiction, and behavioral therapies have been proven to be extremely beneficial in helping to treat meth addiction.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the most effective treatments for meth addiction are behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral and contingency-management interventions. For example, one effective treatment is called the Matrix Model, which is 16 weeks of treatment that combines behavioral therapy, individual counseling, family education, 12-Step support, drug testing, and encouragement for non-drug-related activities.
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