According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, relapse is a part of drug addiction. Although relapse does not necessarily mean failure, it is important to seek help when you feel as if you are going to relapse. There are ways that you can do this without disrupting your sobriety or your life. One way is to take a sober vacation.
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What is a Sober Vacation?
There are two types of sober vacations. The first type is a vacation where you go somewhere that you are away from drugs or alcohol and make sure that you do not partake in either while you are there. The second type is when you feel you are going to relapse and need a safe place to be so you do not start using again. The second type of sober vacation is mainly to prevent relapse.
Signs you are Starting to Relapse
A sober vacation gives you time to relax, away form your triggers.
When you start to relapse, you will experience certain symptoms. These symptoms usually start slowly and gradually build. It is important to seek treatment before the symptoms get bad enough to trigger a full relapse. Some of the signs are:
The cravings grow stronger or return
You start to think about the drug more often
You begin to contact friends who use
You start to frequent the places where you went to use
You begin to isolate yourself from your support network
You become more negative in your thinking
You begin to romanticize your time as an addict, becoming nostalgic about how much fun you had
You lose interest in your recovery
Once you start to recognize the signs of relapse, you need to find a sober place to get back on track. Most people who recognize the signs in time will seek a rehab find that it is easier when they find help.
What a Sober Vacation can do for You
Many people extol the benefits of a vacation when you are feeling tired or stressed. This is an excellent idea when it comes to remaining sober or if you are getting to a point where sobriety is difficult. A sober vacation can not only put you back on the road to recovery it can:
Help you gain perspective
Allow you some time to relax without your triggers
Reaffirm the reasons why you wanted to be sober originally
Reconnect you with friends and family to help reestablish your support network
Help you pull yourself out of your isolation
The idea of a sober vacation at a rehab might not seem appealing at first but many rehabs have comfortable, relaxing facilities complete with counseling and exercise.
How to Find a Sober Vacation Rehab
It is not hard to find rehab that offers sober vacations. Most of the rehabs in the United States have some form of relapse prevention and short stay facilities. If you need help finding one call us at 888-646-0635Who Answers?. We can help.
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