Going through alcohol withdrawal and addiction treatment in an inpatient rehab is comfortable, safe, and supportive.
When a person decides to stop drinking alcohol after forming a dependency to it, they will go through withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms can be painful and dangerous, which is why most people need help detoxing from alcohol.
Common symptoms that people experience when they detox from alcohol include vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, depression, uncontrollable shakes, mood swings, headaches, muscle aches, and constant tiredness. A person may also experience a conditioned called delirium tremens. If a person has delirium tremens they will have hallucinations and may begin to have seizures.
According to the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, withdrawal symptoms from alcohol will continue to get worse within the first 48 to 72 hours of detox, and they will begin within five to ten hours after a person has their last drink.
However, the physical withdrawal symptoms from alcohol will typically subside within the first week, although they can last longer.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are stressful and intense for a person to go through alone. Most people need help when going through the withdrawals and in learning to manage their addiction. Inpatient alcohol rehab is the best help a person can receive when they decide to stop drinking.
Ten Reasons to Choose Inpatient Alcohol Rehab
Help with psychological withdrawal symptoms. According to the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, common psychological symptoms from alcohol withdrawal include, anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia, mood swings, and paranoia.
Medical Supervision: Inpatient rehab will provide a patient with doctors and a medical team to help them through detox.
Medication: If a person needs medication they can get it right there at the rehab.
Around the clock care: At an inpatient rehab a person can receive help or a person to talk to whenever they need it. This will help a person feel safe and secure while they are detoxing.
Education: A person will learn how to manage their alcohol addiction.
Support: A person will receive a plethora of support from people at the rehab which will help them stay strong on their road to recovery.
Effectiveness: Inpatient alcohol rehab has been proven to be the most effective way for a person to recover from alcohol addiction.
Nutrition: Through an inpatient alcohol rehab a person’s meals will be prepared for them and they will receive the proper nutrition they need.
Care: A person in inpatient rehab will be cared for every step of the way while they are in the program.
No alcohol: A person in inpatient rehab will not have any access to alcohol while they are in the program.
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