Some inpatient rehab facilities offer a holiday furlough to patients who are doing particularly well in their program. If you are on a holiday furlough, there are things that you need to avoid in order to prevent relapse and to keep your standing as a successful rehab patient. 1. Try to Avoid Stress Although according….
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Millions of people suffer from addictions without any hope to change and in truth, most are unable to do so without help. Some people just need more help than others. The following are 6 ways rehab centers help you solve your biggest addiction problems. 1.) Safe, Comfortable, and Effective Detox Fear of withdrawals is one….
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Many different types of rehab centers exist: some provide a more lax environment from which patients are able to come and go every day while others provide a more restrictive environment where patients stay at the facility and are very scheduled throughout the day. As such, it is sometimes difficult to know which individuals need….
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Gambling addiction, also called pathological gambling, occurs when a person cannot resist the urge to gamble. In this sense, it becomes similar to a substance of abuse that causes compulsive, dangerous, and selfish actions, and in most cases, the person will not be able to stop until they receive help through professional rehabilitation treatment. Behavioral….
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Recovery is “A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential”, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Establishing a new “normal” to daily routines, avoiding high-risk situations that could lead to relapse, and staying motivated in….
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People in the music industry—artists, managers, agents, label executives, lawyers, etc.—are often held accountable for encouraging addiction. It seems there have always been lyrics that celebrate getting drunk and getting high. Authors of the research study “Content Analysis of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs in Popular Music” determined that kids are receiving roughly 35 references….
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Facing the difficulty of substance abuse treatment and recovery can make people look around and compare themselves to others. Sometimes, it is to make themselves feel better: “At least I don’t look like her.” Sometimes, it is out of jealousy: “Why does she look so much better than I do?” Sometimes, it is just to….
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A quality treatment facility will be best equipped to deal with the transition from treatment to recovery. But, that doesn’t mean that recovery tips only come from rehab centers, counselors, and addicts. They can actually be found in a number of unlikely places. Animal Kingdom: Accept That Addiction Is Part of Your Make-Up The New….
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Yoga is a healthful alternative treatment method that, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, has been found to “maintain… health and well-being, improve physical fitness, relieve stress… enhance quality of life,” lower heart rate, lower blood pressure, and relieve anxiety, depression, and insomnia. In addition, it can also be a major….
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Art therapy, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, is a nontraditional type of therapeutic modality that is considered to be “not only compatible with but also essential to the success of treatment” for many individuals in rehab for drug and alcohol addiction. Art therapy can be extremely beneficial to rehab patients in many….
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In many cases, it is necessary for a person to attend inpatient drug rehab. Perhaps the drug the individual was abusing has caused them severe physical or psychological issues or they are in need of 24-hour surveillance and care. For whatever reason, inpatient care can be necessary, but it may also cause a patient to….
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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, inpatient rehab facilities are one of the best ways to beat an addiction. When you enter drug treatment, it is important to understand that they have strict rules as to what you can and cannot bring. Although different rehabs allow different items, there are some basics you….
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One of the hardest parts of drug addiction is admitting that you have an addiction that you need help with. Knowing this is very debilitating and sometimes embarrassing. One of the things that is even more humiliating is having someone go through your belongings, telling you what you can and cannot have. There is however,….
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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, most treatments have a 40 to 60 percent success rate. This is the same as most rehabs in the United States and is the same relapse rate for most chronic disease. This does not mean that you will not succeed; relapse is part of the process. Making….
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According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, treatment centers are one of the most effective ways of recovering from drug abuse for many people. With so many different treatment facilities available, it is difficult to tell which one is best for you. Although most rehabs seem similar on the outside, it is important to….
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