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Is Sober Living Right for You?

Sober living is right for you!

Sober living is right for you!

Generally, when an individual completes residential rehab for a substance abuse disorder the next step is to head home and continue their recovery. For some though, heading home isn’t an option for one of many reasons. There may not be a home because the addict was homeless at the time that he or she entered treatment or there may not be a safe home because there are other addicts living in the home still which could lead to relapse. For those who do not have a safe, recovery conducive environment to head home to, sober living is another option.

Sober living housing provides drug & alcohol free living options to those who are in recovery. Often times sober living is a requirement of a court ordered treatment plan and other times it is simply a positive choice for the addict. Regardless, sober living is right for you if:

  • You have completed residential treatment and are ready to begin the transition back into society as a sober individual
  • You have been court ordered to to attend a sober living environment following treatment
  • You have a home but there are other addicts living in the home who could hinder your recovery efforts
  • You don’t have anywhere else to go
  • You still need some support in staying sober
  • You are ready to stay sober but may not be able to maintain on your own

Here’s what you can expect in sober living:

  • A clean and well maintained environment
  • An agreement that requires you to adhere to policies and standards for staying sober, coming home by curfew and otherwise abiding by the rules of the resident
  • A written policy for how drug and alcohol use or relapse is handled
  • At least one house member who is recovered, usually a substance abuse counselor, who can provide support

If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol or has recently completed a residential treatment program, consider sober living the next step. Sober living homes can provide you with a transitional experience that will help you learn how to effectively make your way back into society, sober and highly functioning.

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