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Are Addiction Treatment Programs Worth Their Cost

When deciding on whether to go to an addiction treatment program, cost is definitely a factor. Most addiction treatment programs are relatively expensive, and only the individual in treatment can decide if a specific addiction treatment program is worth the cost. In order to decide whether addiction programs are worth their cost, a person should consider the benefits of addiction treatment, the programs a center has available, the hidden costs associated with treatment, and the quality of care provided.

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What are the Benefits of Addiction Treatment Programs

addiction treatment

Addiction treatment can help you find the peace of mind that comes with addiction recovery.

The most obvious benefit of addiction treatment is recovery from addiction. Usually this means that a person is no longer purchasing:

  • expensive narcotics,
  • prescription drugs,
  • alcohol,
  • other drugs or medications,
  • legal advice – lawyers for DUI’s and other addiction related legal issues are expensive,
  • ways of covering the addiction, and
  • drug paraphernalia.

The ongoing cost of addiction is extremely expensive and many people lose everything attempting to keep up with it.

Another benefit to addiction treatment is that it is less likely a person will lose their employment due to a drug addiction. Addicts frequently have employment issues and these result in a monetary loss. This is why so many addicts resort theft to gain money to buy drugs and alcohol.

Not all of the benefits of addiction treatment are monetary. A nonmonetary benefit of receiving addiction treatment is the social benefit. Friends and family, who previously avoided the addict, usually come back after treatment. When an addict recovers, he or she regains the ability to socialize normally. There are additional benefits depending on the programs that the center offers.

Programs Available

Another factor that influences the decision of whether or not a treatment center is worth the cost is the programs that the center has available. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, an addiction treatment program works best when it combines short term acute inpatient and ongoing outpatient care. After completing a short term acute program, a long term ongoing program should be available.

Many treatment centers also offer counseling. Studies show that ongoing counseling and support is key to overcoming most addictions. When considering whether a treatment program is worth the money or not, be sure to check out their counseling services. They should have ongoing counseling for both inpatient and outpatient clients. Many addicts use their drug of choice to cover or relieve a mental illness. Counseling and treatment for that mental illness is also very important.

Medical management is also an aspect of a treatment program. With certain addictions, medical management is necessary, while with others it keeps users out of withdrawal. Some types of withdrawal are extremely dangerous medication, management is necessary to completely overcome the addiction.

If a treatment program has all of these things, it may be worth the cost. Medication management, counseling, and both long and short term care are all integral to a comprehensive treatment program.

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Hidden Costs

When considering a treatment program it is extremely important to consider the hidden costs. These are costs that a client may not think of when they first plan treatment. Many treatment centers have a facility price and then add the costs of counseling and other services to that. This can increase the initial cost of treatment substantially. When comparing treatment programs and deciding whether it is worth it or not it is important to consider the whole total, rather than just the initial facility price.

Among the hidden costs that treatment centers might have are:

  • specialty foods,
  • child care,
  • private rooms or bathrooms,
  • gym memberships,
  • working facilities,
  • massage and other therapies,
  • activities, and
  • luxuries.

Another cost that many people do not consider is the doctor. Some treatment centers have a doctor on staff. These doctors are usually included in the price but some centers bring a doctor in to prescribe medication or treat an illness. Having a doctor’s visit while inpatient may result in a bill showing up later on. The same goes for counseling. Extra counseling sessions may cost more money. It is a good idea to inquire about these costs before deciding whether a treatment program is worth it or not.

Although not necessarily a hidden cost, insurance only pays a percentage of the rehabilitation costs. Most treatment centers will check with an insurance company before they give a final price. Each insurance company is different so the cost may vary depending on coverage. The portion paid by the patient is something to consider when deciding on a program.

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Quality of Care

The most important thing to consider when comparing treatment to worth is the quality of care. Whether the program is inpatient or outpatient, it is the quality that counts. There are luxury programs that cost a great deal and some that have less amenities but are more focused on treating the issue. This is not to say that luxury programs cannot help. It is ultimately up to the client as to whether the added cost is worth it.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration maintains a registry of a variety of treatment programs and sources including ones that are low cost. It is important to remember that low cost treatment and luxury treatment are only beneficial if they provide the services needed. A treatment program is not worth any amount of money if it does not work. The point of addiction treatment is to end the addiction. If you are wondering whether addiction treatment programs are worth their cost, do homework on the facility you are considering. Make sure it covers what you consider the most important aspects of your treatment and be weary of hidden costs. If the treatment program ends your addiction and improves your life, it is worth the cost.

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