What Should I Do Before Entering Drug Rehab?
There are certain actions you will need to take before entering drug rehab. Once you have explored all of these and taken time to get your affairs in order, it will make your transition into––and out of––rehab much easier.
If you are looking for a safe, reliable rehab program, call 888-646-0635Who Answers? now and let us help you find the right facility for your needs.
Step One: Handle Work/School Responsibilities
Especially if you are going away to a remote rehab facility or just attending an inpatient program in your same city, you will often need to take time off of work and/or school. Understanding this, and how to go about requesting this time, will be important to your overall recovery.

You will need to get your finances in order before entering rehab.
Talk to your employer and discuss the fact that you will need to take some time off. Addiction is considered a disability, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and as long as you are honest, your employer will usually be helpful in allowing you to take the time you need. Students often need to do the same and discuss their treatment with someone from their school. You may also decide to admit yourself to an outpatient rehab program so you can continue attending school or work.
Step Two: Talk to Your Family
It is important to discuss your plans to attend rehab with your family members, especially because having their support will do wonders for your recovery (National Institute on Drug Abuse). Your loved ones can come and visit you in treatment, and they can also help you find or afford a rehab center that fits your needs. It is important to discuss your decision to attend rehab with your children as well, not in full detail but with enough information so they can understand your need to go away for a while.
Step Three: Get Finances in Order
Someone else will often need to take care of your financial responsibilities while you are away in rehab. You can appoint a trusted friend or family member to do so, and it can also help to set up automatic payment for bills with consistent due dates. You will need to make sure that you bring enough money to your facility as well to be able to pay for treatment, medications, and anything else you may need.
Step Four: Handle Any Legal Issues
Many times, a legal problem is what causes someone to seek the treatment they need for drug addiction. Often, going into a rehab program is one of the necessary steps for someone who has experienced legal problems as a result of their addiction. Your rehab center may also be able to help you with this issue, and if you are dealing with this problem specifically, it is important to find a program that will offer you legal guidance.
Know Before You Start Your Program
Seeking addiction treatment is a powerful first step to recovery, but remember you will still need to make sure everything in your life is adequately prepared before you do so. Call 888-646-0635Who Answers? today to find a rehab program that will cater to your needs.