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Types of Alternative Drug Rehab Centers

Alternative drug rehab centers can help you in different ways throughout recovery.

Alternative drug rehab centers can help you in different ways throughout recovery.

Most drug rehab centers combine a series of drug detox, drug counseling and therapy and various aftercare services to provide effective treatment for drug addiction. Most of these same programs seem very similar to one another and do not place focus on achieving wellness both physical and psychologically the way that some alternative drug rehab centers do. Alternative drug rehab centers shift the focus from traditional types of treatment to many alternative sources and often focus on niche groups such as women, a specific faith, or the GLBT community.

Alternative Drug Rehab Centers for Women

Statistics show that women respond quite differently to drug rehab than men do and thatā€™s why many drug rehab centers provide specialized programs that are aimed at helping women only. Alternative drug rehab centers for women provide a safe and non-threatening environment for women to get the help that they need for a range of physical and emotional conditions associated with drug addiction. Drug rehab centers for women do provide group counseling sessions but in an environment where the women are with other women which has been proven to be more effective. Women who seek help at alternative drug rehab centers designed especially for women are more likely to benefit from the treatment and recover fully from addiction.

Faith Based Alternative Drug Rehab Centers

Individuals who represent or are guided by a particular faith may find solace and benefits in faith based alternative drug rehab centers. While many rehab centers do take a faith based approach to treatment such as 12-step programs and other similar programs, faith based alternative drug rehab centers are not always guided by the principles of the 12-step program. Many faith based alternative drug rehab centers focus on the teachings of the Bible or another religion to help addicts overcome their addiction and rebuild themselves emotionally and spiritually. Statistics show that individuals who are spiritual and who get help at faith based drug rehab centers are more likely to succeed at their own recovery when they take part in programs with other individuals who share in similar beliefs.

Alternative Drug Rehab Centers for the GLBT Community

Just like individuals who share in the same religion or gender can benefit greatly from treatment that is provided in an environment where others of the same religion or gender are, individuals from the gay and lesbian community can also benefit greatly from getting treatment in an environment where they are surrounded by individuals who share a similar sexual identity. Alternative drug rehab centers for members of the gay and lesbian community can help with various aspects of the individualā€™s life such as family problems, problems with sexual identity or the pressures that come from society.

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Can Transgender People Find Their Place in a Rehab Center?

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Rehab Centers for Process Addictions

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Addiction and Homelessness: Interconnected Battles

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10 Relapse Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Miss

relapse prevention

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The New Direction Intensive Inpatient Alcohol Treatment

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How Alcohol Rehab Centers Improve Comfort During Alcohol Detox

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Why Choose a Rehab Center in a Different City or State?

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