Generally, alcoholics suffer great consequences as a result of their uncontrollable desire to drink. Cravings for alcohol are so strong that there’s simply no way to say no or to stop the pain without just one more drink. One drink leads to two and two leads to four, before you know it, the consequences of alcohol….
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Millions of people who drink alcohol never fall victim to the perils of alcohol addiction but those who do know firsthand the consequences and the dangers that come from this potentially fatal disease. Chronic alcohol abuse is often the first sign of alcohol addiction and, if left untreated, will often progress to a stage of physical….
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We don’t always realize that there’s a problem with alcohol until it’s too late – unfortunately this is the point in which alcohol abuse transitions into alcoholism. Alcohol consumption is somewhat the norm in the United States and amongst many other countries in social situations, gatherings and even at major events. For some, alcohol consumption….
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If you’ve decided to seek the help of an alcohol rehab program then you’ve already made a very big and promising decision about your well-being. The next step is to make sure that your treatment and rehabilitation is a success. Here are a few tips for success in alcohol rehab that should keep you motivated….
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Some people don’t even realize that their drinking has become a problem until it’s too late. Whether it’s just a few drinks at the end of each day, you drink all day everyday or you only drink when you go out with friends, you could suffer from a serious drinking problem. Don’t ignore the signs….
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Teen alcohol abuse is on a significant rise and has been for many years. The result is the need for more teen alcohol rehab centers that can provide specialized treatment for adolescents who abuse alcohol. Alcohol rehab for teens is an essential part of the recovery process and a must since the human brain has….
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Alcohol, though legal for people over the age of 21, still causes detrimental consequences. The fact that alcohol is a legal substance is likely the reason why the negative role that alcohol plays in the community can be seen in nearly any situation including school, home, special events and even work. It doesn’t really matter….
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Chronic alcohol consumption can have many negative effects on the body and dramatically impairs brain development. Long term alcohol abuse causes dementia, physical dependence and the shrinkage of the brain. While there is some evidence that suggests that alcohol consumption in a low to moderate manner can have some positive health benefits the literature to….
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Alcohol addiction doesn’t just happen over night yet still for some it’s just not something that is noticed right away. Alcohol addiction has many stages from the start of alcohol addiction to the final stages which can ultimately result in death. Left untreated, alcohol addiction can become a major crisis for both the alcoholic and….
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A recent study published by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America has found that teen girls are more likely than teen boys to find the benefits in using drugs and alcohol as a means of coping. In fact, a recent study found that more than 2/3 of teen girls have reported using drugs or drinking….
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Alcoholism is not some disease that just appears over night. You don’t just wake up one day and all of a sudden you’re an alcoholic. Alcoholism begins with alcohol abuse and over time as drinking progresses from being a fun thing to do socially and on occasion to being a damaging situation that is out….
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Negative consequences are a daily occurrence with both alcoholism and with alcohol abuse. People who abuse alcohol get into trouble but the consequences of such trouble can greatly determine whether an individual suffers from alcoholism or from alcohol abuse. Individuals who abuse alcohol still have some control over their drinking and have fewer relationship problems….
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