What’s the biggest challenge you will face in recovery? If you said anything besides “YOU” then you are wrong! That’s right, your worst enemy in recovery, the one that is likely sabotaging your rehabilitation and making things worse is YOU.
It’s not your friends, it’s not a poor home life or a dysfunctional family that ruins your recovery goals. It’s not the rehabilitation program or the fact that you chose the wrong time to get help. The only thing that can truly ruin your recovery efforts is you. So what can you do to fix this wrong and make it right?
Addiction is a selfless act of sabotage to one’s body. The decision to use drugs is your choice and the decision to stop and to get well is also up to you. Here are some things that you might be doing to ruin your recovery efforts:
Not believing in yourself. This includes saying things like “I can’t do it” or “I’ll never be happy”
Feeling sorry for yourself. This includes having pity on yourself because you were abused, suffered a loss or otherwise had a difficult life.
Being ego-centric. This includes thinking that you are too good for rehab or that you can fight addiction on your own.
Isolating yourself. This includes removing yourself from family activities, staying away from support groups or otherwise isolating yourself from others.
Taking on too much. You may be in recovery but you can’t take on too much at once or else you’ll build your stress level and could risk relapse.
Too much time on your hands. Just like you can’t take on too much, boredom can also increase your risk of relapse.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens, “Residential treatment [or inpatient treatment] is a resource-intense high level of care, generally for adolescents with severe levels of addiction whose mental health and medical needs and addictive behaviors require a 24-hour structured environment to make recovery possible.” While not all adolescents need this level….
Although some rehabs are religious, some of them are not. Many of the religious rehabs clearly advertise their religious affiliation in their name or the mission statements. These rehabs offer a clear religious connotation. There are however non-denominational rehabs do exist as do those with no religious affiliation at all. According to the National Institute….
The simple explanation when asked, “Is my drinking a problem and should I seek alcohol rehab?” is that if your drinking is causing problems in your life and you continue to drink then you should consider seeking help. Unfortunately, there’s more to deciding whether alcohol rehab is necessary than simply saying, “Yes! Drinking has caused….
Because there are several different classes of prescription drugs, different treatment types need to be employed for different addiction syndromes. Also no two patients are guaranteed to have the same reaction to any one treatment type; therefore, different options must be available. According to the NIDA, treatment for prescription drug addiction “must take into account….
Once you’ve decided to get help, you’ve chosen an inpatient drug rehab center for your treatment needs and you’ve decided on a date to be admitted to the program you’ll have to start packing your bags for your extended stay in treatment. What do you bring? Some things are not acceptable in inpatient drug rehab….
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, many children begin to use drugs as early as the age of 12. Most of these children try drugs once or twice and then leave them alone. Unfortunately, as teen experimentation continues to increase the need for teen centered rehab centers also increases. There are several types….
If you have a loved one who requires drug and alcohol rehab in a medical facility, it is very important that you are a part of their addiction treatment. You can support your loved one by visiting them at the facility or taking them to and from their treatment every day, but it is also….
The traditional twelve-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous outlines a course of action that is set for the recovery from addiction or compulsions as well as other behavioral problems. This 12-step type treatment was originally designed as a means of recovering from alcoholism but is now synonymously used for the treatment of all types of addiction…..
As time wears on, an individual who suffers from an addiction can become worn down, tired, and just plain depressed when they lose hope of ever becoming sober. Many are not sure how to tell when it is time for them to seek treatment and so they do not seek treatment, which can cause many….
Equine therapy is a type of therapy that involves individuals working with horses to rebuild their trust and responsibility despite addiction. Horses can help an addict to build a new and trusting relationship while also learning responsibility which is often lost to addiction. Unfortunately, when an addict relies on drugs or alcohol for a prolonged….