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What to Expect During Your First Month in Drug Rehab

Drug rehab during the first month can be the hardest part of recovery.

Drug rehab during the first month can be the hardest part of recovery.

If you are thinking about going into drug rehab to seek help for addiction, you are probably wondering what the first days or weeks of drug rehab will be like. What can you expect to see, do or feel during the first month of drug rehab and how will it affect your overall recovery from addiction? Although every drug rehab center is different and provides very different programs for the treatment and recovery of addiction most have similar formats.

Intake: the First Step of Drug Rehab

When you first enter drug rehab you will be in an intake process. During intake you will be medically assessed to determine your level and type of addiction. You will have an interview with an intake specialist as well as usually your therapist or counselor and a doctor to determine the beginning needs of your treatment. During intake you will have to submit to urinalysis and various other types of medical tests, discuss your medical history and discuss the details of your addiction.

Drug Detox: The Second Step of Rehab

Immediately following intake you will enter into the drug detox program. Some drug rehab centers provide medical detox and others may offer natural detox or they may require that you detox prior to being accepted to the program. Most provide medically supervised detoxification so once you are admitted into the rehab center you will immediately begin to wean from the drugs and receive medical treatment for any subsequent withdrawal symptoms that you may feel. If you are addicted to prescription medications, alcohol, heroin or another highly physically addicting drug then you may be required to detox in a hospital or clinic prior to entering rehab.

Treatment and Therapy: The Third Step of Drug Rehab

Once you have completed detoxed from the drugs you will begin to receive treatment for the psychological dependence that you suffer from as well as any underlying psychological problems. During the treatment process you will undergo a series of counselling and therapy sessions both in a group and individual setting. Every rehab center is different and the treatment and therapy or counselling that are provided at these centers will vary but all focus on helping the addict to heal psychologically and physically from their addiction to prevent future relapse.

The type of addiction that you suffer from as well as various other conditions such as how long you have been using and various other underlying conditions such as mental illness or other health conditions will play a role in determining how the next 30, 60 or 90 days of treatment pan out for you. Drug rehab centers will often restrict family and friend visitation during the early days or weeks of treatment but if you are required to spend a prolonged time in treatment such as 90 days then you will be granted visitation in the future. Additionally, depending on how quickly you progress through treatment you may be offered additional options and opportunities to facilitate your continued growth and development in the program.

Aftercare: The Last Phase of Drug Rehab

Long after you complete drug rehab you are encouraged to take continued part in an aftercare program. Most drug rehab centers provide structured aftercare that is guided by your counselor or therapist and provides a means of you maintaining your sobriety for the long term.

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