Overall, it’s up to the addict to decide on when or if he or she will make a commitment to his or her own recovery but there are some steps that loved ones can do to encourage the process. One of the most important steps that family members and friends of the addict should take is to seek counseling and educational help so that they understand what they can do to stop enabling their loved one.
When a loved one refuses to go into drug rehab and seek professional help for a substance abuse problem, family members and friends can often feel defeated. You feel as though the addiction has beat you and that there’s little hope left. While these feelings are all completely natural to have, there are some steps that you can take to immediately begin changing the playing field all together.
Consider this:
Are you a family member or friend who gives the addict money?
Are you providing shelter, clothing, or other necessities for the individual?
Have you told the addict that you will no longer do these things, but then gone back on your word and continued to loan money or otherwise provide?
If you said yes to any of these situations, you are enabling the individual and making it essentially easier for him or her to continue with the addiction. The best thing that family members, friends and loved ones can do to help the addict is to help themselves better understand the steps that must be taken to stop enabling the addiction.
If you’re loved one won’t get help and refuses to go into drug rehab, here are the options available to you:
Give an ultimatum and tell them that if they opt not to go into drug rehab, then you will
No longer help them with bills
No longer provide shelter
No longer provide any assistance of any kind
No longer communicate with them
Alert law enforcement or social services about their addiction problems
Follow through with any ultimatums that you give the individual. It could take time, but in many cases, especially when you give an ultimatum that hits home personally, the addict will choose to get help in order to have their loved ones back in their life. It’s tough love!
Stage an intervention
Seek your own help to learn how you are enabling the addiction and what steps you can take to prevent future enabling of the addiction
Just as there are many types of addiction, there are many different types of rehab. Which type of rehab is best, depends on the type of addiction as well as the individuals personality. Each person has different needs and rehabs are not one size fits all. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the….
About two years ago my mother-in-law mother came to us and admitted that she had become addicted to opiate pain medication and that when she couldn’t find pills she often would substitute heroin because it was more readily available and less expensive. We had suspected that there might be a problem for sometime but still….
If you have a loved one who has recently completed drug rehab and you think that everything is “fixed” now, think again! While drug rehab is a very sobering experience and can be very beneficial at getting individuals back on track and aiming toward recovery the sobering truth is that many individuals will fail post drug….
A quality treatment facility will be best equipped to deal with the transition from treatment to recovery. But, that doesn’t mean that recovery tips only come from rehab centers, counselors, and addicts. They can actually be found in a number of unlikely places. Animal Kingdom: Accept That Addiction Is Part of Your Make-Up The New….
Calvert Treatment Facility and Rehab Centers have come together to provide greater access to drug and alcohol rehabilitation services in Maryland effectively leading more residents along the journey to recovery. Rehab Centers is a community resource that specializes in promoting rehabilitation services of rehab centers throughout the United States. Recently, Calvert Treatment Facility of Maryland….
The teenage years can be one of the most difficult periods in a person’s life. Teens struggling with alcohol and drug abuse issues have an especially hard time finding their way. Watching a teen fade away while addiction takes over his or her personality can quickly drain the life out of a family. According to….
So you’re thinking about starting a drug rehab program to get the help you need to overcome an addiction to drugs – now what? You probably have lots of questions and most of all you’re probably wondering how long you will have to deal with the cravings that you feel every time you try to….
Being pregnant is always a little scary, but when you’re addicted to drugs and alcohol and pregnant, it can feel overwhelming. You don’t want to hurt the baby, but there’s so much conflicting information out there, it can be hard to know what to do. With some states now passing laws that allow prosecution of….
Today’s 21st century lifestyle comes with rapid advances in technology and communications, both of which make multi-tasking all the more essential to getting and keeping a good job. Add to this the upkeep of a home and family and the average, everyday citizen must work hard to keep everything in order while maintaining a certain….
The most important thing to remember is that depression is not something that should be suffered alone. According to The National Institute of Mental Health, “depression is a treatable illness.” Though many suffer in silence just because they believe they are just “sad” or will “get over it,” depression effects “about 6.7% of US adults….