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How Substance Addiction Fuels Behavioral Problems

Behavioral issues are problematic by themselves but with the added help of substance addiction, they can be amplified. From moodiness to impulsivity, behavioral issues can only be strengthened with the use of a substance and may break up relationships along its destructive path.

Substance addiction can fuel behavioral problems in many ways.

The Lying Behavior

Substance abuse will fuel the behavioral problem of lying. Most addicts do not want their loved ones or co-workers to know about their addiction, so to hide their addictive activities, they lie.

It may be a simple as a lie of where they were when asked or as complicated as making up a story about why they suddenly need cash in order to buy more drugs or alcohol.

Most addicts are so good at lying that they can fool their loved ones, the ones who know them the best, for years at a time while self-destructing. To learn more about treatment to eliminate these self destructive behaviors, call 888-646-0635Who Answers?.

The Manipulative Behavior

Behavioral Problems

Addicts will project the blame on someone close to them in order to justify their substance abuse.

Aside from loved ones who are addicted, the ones closest to the addict will encourage him or her to be happy by encouraging good decisions without knowing the destructive track he or she has set themselves on.

Unfortunately, the addict is forced to believe that in order to function properly, they need it and they will do anything to avoid the harsh withdrawal symptoms, including manipulating their loved ones.

Some of these methods include lying, making their loved ones feel guilty about confronting him or her about their addiction, or creating scenarios where they are desperate for money.

Criminal Behavior

According to the NIDA, there is a well-known connection between drug use and crime, which includes drug possession or sales, money theft, domestic violence, sexual assault, and DWI.

While not every addict is a criminal, many who have been involved with substance addiction for a long time run out of money and with the strong urge for their substance, they are left with criminal activity.

Prescription drug addiction may differ in criminal activity because the addict will visit multiple doctors or forge prescriptions to get their drug.

Projected Blame for the Addiction

It is also very popular for addicts to place the blame on someone other than themselves for the addiction that is ruining their lives to avoid having to take responsibility for their own actions. According to the NCBI, this is called projection, in which the addict will take the blame they have for themselves and place it on someone else to justify the addiction.

Because he or she have their justification, they are free to continue their behavior and will be drawn to the source where they receive their drugs as a result.

Abuse & Violence

Because the addict has projected his blame onto someone else, he or she may become paranoid that everyone around him or her are dangerous or threatening, almost as though those peopleĀ are out to get him. Because of this belief, the addict may lash out mentally, emotionally, or physically at those, he blames for his addiction.

Unfortunately, this is more often that not the spouse because he or she will receive the blame as well as the abuse. In other words, the addict may fight against their loved ones when he or she projects the blame on them to avoid the real problem-the addiction.

Understanding the Psychology of Addiction

Substance addiction fuels behavioral problems because it takes even the most responsible person and turns them in on themselves. Substance addicts will lie, manipulate, and commit criminal acts in order to get their fix and project their blame on others while he or she does it, then fight them for their incorrect perception instead of handling their addiction.

The addiction becomes bigger than the user and until he or she seek out the treatment, they need to become sober.

Please call 888-646-0635Who Answers? if you or a loved one is suffering from addiction or spousal abuse to speak with a specialist that can aid you in your time of need.

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