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Sheriff Asks Attorney General for Treatment Money

On Thursday, March 22, 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with a number of police chiefs and other department heads for Florida Highway Patrol and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to discuss the opioid crisis in the state and the country at large. Sessions’ highly publicized meeting focused mostly on his call to support President Donald Trump’s agenda that high-traffic drug dealers should be executed. One of the law enforcement officials at the meeting, however, was more focused on discussing the state’s need for treatment.

Franklin County Sheriff A.J. Smith talked to Sessions about the need for the state to provide more rehab centers for individuals who are struggling with addiction and especially in small, rural areas like Franklin. He stated that he hoped the federal government would reach out and provide these funds, and Sessions said that money should be on its way.

“That’s what I was hoping,” said Smith, “that there was money coming for rehab. The enforcement is important too, but I need some help with rehab.”

Why Is Rehab So Important to Addiction Recovery?

Rehab is important to one’s recovery from addiction because it provides professional, medical treatment that recovering addicts need in order to stop abusing drugs and stay sober.

• According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is a disease. This is why a person can’t just stop using on their own and be expected to recover safely. For example, you wouldn’t expect someone suffering from a diabetes or asthma to suddenly get better without the proper treatment, nor would you expect someone with depression to simply overcome their mental state on their own.
• Rehab is important because it not only helps someone stop using, it also helps them avoid using in the future. Patients learn techniques to fight issues like cravings, triggers, stress, and other things that could lead them to relapse. They also receive medications that can treat some of the problems associated with relapse.
• In rehab, patients meet other individuals who are experiencing the same issues they are. This is invaluable, as it opens up their social network to others who understand their situation and it helps them become more supported in their overall recoveries. Long-term sobriety is often built with the help of the people one meets in rehab, including both staff members and other patients.

Rehab is an invaluable part of recovery, and both big and small communities will need access to it in order to fight the opioid and other drug epidemics.

How Can Rehab Help?

Rehab is often the first step in recovery. Through detox and professional rehab,  addicts are weaned off their drug of abuse, so they are no longer dependent on it. Afterward, they can focus on learning to stay off these dangerous drugs and stay focused on their recovery when they start rehab or addiction treatment. Remember, detox must be followed by rehab for a safe recovery (NIDA).

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